DJTT VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition Mapping (Traktor Pro 2) - Page 26
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  1. #251
    Tech Convert
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    Sep 2011


    hey just looking to see when we should see update on mapping to implement the Traktor 2.6 update, would love to use the new option of full eq kill and all the other good stuff on my 400se! keep doing the good work djtt and awesome tour ean! doing big things guys! but dont forget about us 400se user :]

  2. #252
    Tech Wizard Fraghaggis's Avatar
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    The Kingdom of Fife


    Quote Originally Posted by T.E.O View Post
    hey just looking to see when we should see update on mapping to implement the Traktor 2.6 update, would love to use the new option of full eq kill and all the other good stuff on my 400se! keep doing the good work djtt and awesome tour ean! doing big things guys! but dont forget about us 400se user :]
    The mapping on the Midimaps section of the site has been updated for 2.6 :

  3. #253


    is this thread not monitored anymore by DJTT?

  4. #254
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2013

    Default Considering Buying the VCI-400 SE

    After reading through some of the later posts on this thread, and some forum posts on other sites (especially DDJT) It seems the mappings for this are not being updated by DJJT. So my question is, is anyone having issues with the latest version of Traktor, or any version? Have they had updates/replies from DJTT about their issues and have been given fixes?

    Cheers guys


  5. #255
    Tech Wizard Fraghaggis's Avatar
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    The Kingdom of Fife


    Quote Originally Posted by Mostyn View Post
    After reading through some of the later posts on this thread, and some forum posts on other sites (especially DDJT) It seems the mappings for this are not being updated by DJJT. So my question is, is anyone having issues with the latest version of Traktor, or any version? Have they had updates/replies from DJTT about their issues and have been given fixes?

    Cheers guys

    Flashflooder (DJTT Staff Member) has been doing semi-regular updates for his VCI-400 EGE Mappings : See -

    And in my opinion this Mapping is superior to the Original DJTT Mapping.

    With regards to replies - In the one case where I had an issue - I got a reply to my comment within 24 hours from Flashflooder and whenever I have emailed DJTT for an update or opened a support ticket - I have never had to wait more than 48 hours for a response.

  6. #256
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2013


    Thank you man, that is reassuring. I have watched the flashflooder mapping video, and it looks like some craaazy mapping and effects possibilities. I actually just contacted the DJTT customer services and got a reply within about 6 hours, so I am more than happy with that.

    I think the final imposing question before I get one is whether I need to become more proficient in less controllerist areas of DJing (for example getting some experience in public) before upgrading to all the effects and such this awesome controller/mapping provides.

    Once again, Thank you

  7. #257
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Unhappy Play/Pause does not work

    play/pause button does not play. it only plays when i hold shift and press play. help please? this is really a perfect mapping!

  8. #258
    Tech Wizard DjRitam's Avatar
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    Chicago, Illinois


    Is anyone still having issues with updating their firmware? If you are.. I found that downloading the v2 update kit from vestax support, loading it into the PC's Vestax Control Panel and loading the vestal v2 ".bin" file, from the Vesta website, did the trick! I can explain more. If needed. Just let me know
    mid-2012 Macbook Pro 13", S4,VCI-400EG, F1 Rokit 5's

  9. #259
    Tech Wizard DjRitam's Avatar
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    Chicago, Illinois


    Does anyone know if the v2 firmware files, Vestax provides on their website, are the same ones that come with flashflooders linked files? In other words... Are they for the Ean golden edition VCI 400? Please and thank you
    mid-2012 Macbook Pro 13", S4,VCI-400EG, F1 Rokit 5's

  10. #260
    Tech Convert
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    Atlanta, GA


    I am having a similar problem, relating to the recent Vestax 2 firmware upgrade. Only, my VCI 400 unit is not stuck in boot loader mode. It is unable to get into boot loader mode. The reason this all happened is, I attempted to upgrade to the recent Vestax firmware, and it seemed to cause a conflict with the existing firmware. So now, I'm attempting to restore to factory settings (or my previous firmware setting), yet, I cannot get into boot loader mode in order to do this. I have contacted Vestax, DJTT, and Flashflooder, and await a response. If I find out a solution, I'll be sure to follow up to this thread.

    When I press "get Version": there is no reply
    When I press "Start": ERROR ACK is not found

    Vestax Support, Reset to Factory Default:
    DJTT Potential solution:
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