DJTT VCI-400 Ean Golden Edition Mapping (Traktor Pro 2) - Page 5
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  1. #41
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    The FX need to be in the same order in preferences as they are in the unit the mapping was created on. I think that's the default order, but Chris will have to confirm that. I have screen shots in my profile of the FX in early versions of traktor 2. The new FX that were added soon after just go on the bottom if they're not used in the mapping it doesn't matter what order they go in.
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  2. #42
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CryderSteez View Post
    Cool thanks, I owe ya a beer. Got any insight into making the gain pot override the autogain value(no soft override) essentially making it behave like the channel gain on a real mixer?
    You can turn auto gain off in preferences and map that knob to gain. you can find it at add in>mixer>gain I'm not sure what else that knob does though.
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by CryderSteez View Post
    Thanks, it was indeed a routing issue and we're producing sound when and where we should now However I have a couple other questions regarding the mapping, when I first got my unit the pitch faders wouldn't work correctly, so I go into the mapping and changed the type from relative to direct, solving the problem, pitch faders now work like pitch faders. While I was in there I noticed that there was another entry for the pitch faders that was already in direct mode, and the only difference was the M8 modifier was 1 instead of 0. The M8 modifier is used alot in there, could you tell me what it refers to? Also, I'd like to turn down the acceleration of the jog wheels when pitch bending, what's the right command I need to edit?

    Please help, I have the VCI 400 EGE plugged to my Mac via USB. Mixer in preference is set for internal. Yet I can not get any sound from the headphone for monitor on the VCI 400 unit. I looked into the above suggestions and have set the mix Vol and Aux setting inside Traktor Pro 2 but still no sound from the headphone cue on the VCI 400 unit itself. Thank you for your help.

    Grasshopper in training, new to digital DJ 2011

    Digital workflow: MacBook Pro 15" / Mac OS 10.7.3 / Tracktor Pro 2

  4. #44
    Tech Guru
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    Post a screengrab of your audio output routing

  5. #45
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slamboogie View Post
    Please help, I have the VCI 400 EGE plugged to my Mac via USB. Mixer in preference is set for internal. Yet I can not get any sound from the headphone for monitor on the VCI 400 unit. I looked into the above suggestions and have set the mix Vol and Aux setting inside Traktor Pro 2 but still no sound from the headphone cue on the VCI 400 unit itself. Thank you for your help.
    Have you set the cue up correctly in the output routing?
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    The FX need to be in the same order in preferences as they are in the unit the mapping was created on. I think that's the default order, but Chris will have to confirm that. I have screen shots in my profile of the FX in early versions of traktor 2. The new FX that were added soon after just go on the bottom if they're not used in the mapping it doesn't matter what order they go in.
    Thanks for the help Photojojo. Everything is working flawlessly now!

  7. #47
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by oliosky View Post
    Post a screengrab of your audio output routing
    Screen Shot 2012-03-14 at 11.29.29 PM.jpg

    Hi Oli,

    my mixing mode is set to internal.

    Output Monitor is not connected for both L and R, because when I have them connected to L and R output, monitor deck sounds comes through the main output even though the mixer fader is at all the way down (in active).

    Output Master is set as Output L and Output R

    Output Record: not connected

    Thanks for your help.

    Grasshopper in training, new to digital DJ 2011

    Digital workflow: MacBook Pro 15" / Mac OS 10.7.3 / Tracktor Pro 2

  8. #48
    Tech Wizard
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    This is what I have photojojo

    my mixing mode is set to internal.

    Output Monitor is not connected for both L and R, because when I have them connected to L and R output, monitor deck sounds comes through the main output even though the mixer fader is at all the way down (in active).

    Output Master is set as Output L and Output R

    Output Record: not connected

    Thanks for your help.

    Grasshopper in training, new to digital DJ 2011

    Digital workflow: MacBook Pro 15" / Mac OS 10.7.3 / Tracktor Pro 2

  9. #49
    Tech Mentor
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    Can you add the MF IG T3 Delay and Reverb to this mapping please? Replace the Beatmasher 1 and a Gater.

  10. #50
    Tech Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slamboogie View Post
    Screen Shot 2012-03-14 at 11.29.29 PM.jpg

    Hi Oli,

    my mixing mode is set to internal.

    Output Monitor is not connected for both L and R, because when I have them connected to L and R output, monitor deck sounds comes through the main output even though the mixer fader is at all the way down (in active).

    Output Master is set as Output L and Output R

    Output Record: not connected

    Thanks for your help.
    What other outPut options are there other than output l and r?

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