Bought s2 to having real sound problems and stuttering ......
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012

    Default Bought s2 to having real sound problems and stuttering ......

    Hi All,
    Have beenreading from afar or a while and have also looked at the stickys relating to latency etc for Pro2. Any how, I bought the s2 yday with Pro 2 software, all installed fine no problems, however I am getting the red CPU bars and teh tracks are slowing, stuttering and really crackly.

    I have looked at all the information to improve CPU useage, turned off wireless, anti virus, uninstalled loads of programs, when I look at task manager CPU seems to be fine, then when i load up traktor, it then peaks real high.

    I currently have a Acer Aspire 5532 AMD Athalon 1.2g dual core processor, ATI radeon graphics card 4gb ram,500gb hard drive.

    can anyone help.


  2. #2
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    L.A. (lower Alabama)


    Have you ran the DPC latency checker?
    Do you use smittten's script from the sticky at the top of this forum?

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    I had this problem myself when I got my S2 here is what I did to fix the problem and I can have wireless up and running flawless during practice. I disable wireless at gigs because its not needed for what I do (2hr sets which I have prep for before hand). You can run the optimization script from DJTT but I choose to disable things myself. I'm to work so I don't know names off of my head but google can help you

    First things first. Download the following programs latency mon , Ccleaner and dpc audio latency check. Ccleaner allows you to edit startup programs and fix registry error as well as uninstall and clean for pc better than diskcleanup. DPC latency checker will tell you when your PC is ready to run audio flawless latency mon can be used to identify which processes are causing the latency. Use this first and check all results they provide. Use ccleaner and modify your PC startup.

    Second Go into device manager (type it in the window search at the start menu or right computer and select manage then select it from the drop down list).

    Disable your PC sound card you do not need it the S2 is your sound card. Disable the modem or fax ports. Disable all devices you do not need. One of the major PC hogs is the power component that microsoft has included in windows. Before you disable the power options ensure it is not the one that you need. There are usually two battery options you only need one. Never disable system devices or anything along those lines. Google everything if you have to before you disable them.

    Next you want to Turn off a few services. Go into task manager and go to the tab that displays the CPU usage and Resoure monitor
    go into resource monitor and look at the cpu page sort it by usage and see which services are hogging your CPU (do not have traktor running). Goggle each service you see and ensure you can disable it or set it to activate manually not auto or on startup.
    Things to set to manual Windows Update or Updater, Disable remote PC services.

    Windows Search Indexer needs to be told what to index (google this). Set it to the most minimal settings.

    Then start testing. Open traktor and task manager and see what other services are above traktor in the cpu usage. Disable and stop all of these. Once your are confident about your settings remember them and enjoy.

    One thing about traktor I will advise you to have all of your files analyzed before you start mixing. I have found that if you try to analyze lots of files and mix at the same time it will cause cpu spikes and sound crackles

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Apr 2012


    Thanks for the replies guys. One thing I need to ask, my Battery, it seems to have an issue whereby it goes down in a matter of minutes. If i have it on charge its ok but has a cross on the battery icon, can this be a problem??

    Also, cant find this script from smitten!!

  5. #5
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Disable the ACPI driver for the battery, it's explained here along with a few other things:

    Disabling Multicore support has helped a few, you can do that in Traktor's prefs window.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    Disable the ACPI driver for the battery, it's explained here along with a few other things:

    Disabling Multicore support has helped a few, you can do that in Traktor's prefs window.
    Disabling the Multicore on my windows PC did the trick. I can keep wireless on and not have to run the DJTT optimization script if I turn Multicore off. Granted, at a live venue one probably should optimize their laptop as much as possible, but that's what helped me the most.
    Kontrol S2, Maschine Mikro, Equator D5s

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor
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    Oh about the battery issue I have a great tip for that this will get the most out of your pc. I never use my laptop on its battery I always use my AC adapter in fact I only let it share its power source with my cooling mat . This is for gigging by the way

    Go into your Power settings in control panel and choose high performance. You will not be saving any power so this setting is Ideal. Go into advanced settings and configue the following
    Sleep = never
    Harddrive idle = never
    Processor performance = minimal 50% maximum 100%

    You can configure the other settings how you like but I have found that this will give you the maximum performance at a gig which is where you need it. Anything that has to do with idling set to never. Again this is for gigging if you use the laptop for other services you will switch off of this mode.

    Also what helps is get a cooling mat or some type of cooling device it keep the CPU heat and PC cool during use and this aids in performance and slows down.

    Remember this the gig is where you don't want anything to go wrong. Prepare in advance before your gigs or any optimize your PC and have it setup to run traktor or what ever your need to perform at your best before you even show up

  8. #8
    Tech Convert
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    Thanks to you all for your help, some great tips. IVE DONE IT!!!

    I disabled a lot of apps via device manager , the DPC latency checker showed the APCI battery thigs was causing a problem, turned that off and got the latency spikes down but still had same probs with playback, then saw the ulti core tab on traktor, un ticked it and it worked!!!!

    Thanks again

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