S4 goes MIDI fighter !
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  1. #1

    Lightbulb S4 goes MIDI fighter !

    i got an idear .... why dont use a custom mapping with a modifier to enable functions like the standart midi fighter mapping gives ... samples,hotcue and Shift sync cue play buttons as the accade buttons to controll the effects ?
    anyone knows how to do this or anyone got a mapping like this ?

    sry for my worse english ... xD

    Greets !

  2. #2
    Tech Guru CionniAsDj's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Mmh, I can't understand what are you looking for
    Traktor S2 . Traktor X1 . Traktor F1 (in UPS hands atm) . MBP . TP2 . Reloop Rhp-10 .

    Gone Vci 100 se arcade edition . Audio 2DJ . Launchpad . RMX . lpd8 .

  3. #3


    my idear was to use the sample buttons,hotcues and the transport section on the s4 deck to INSTANT GRATIFICATION like in the standart midi fighter INSTANT GRATIFICATION MAPPING ... but i dont know how to map this ^^ maybe u get it now again sorry for my bad english..^^

  4. #4
    Tech Guru CionniAsDj's Avatar
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    Yep, got it, sure that is possible.
    But it's hard, because every modifier is used in the mf insta grat mapping, so, you should pick a free modifier in the s4 mapping, set every button to function with modifier set to zero, and chose a button to use as modifier(that toggle the modifier like m=0 m=1), than you should not use the IG mapping, because it's using all the modifier, and replicate the basic effect of IG in the buttons with m=1.
    So you won't be using the combo, but at least you can use some feature of the IG mapping.
    Traktor S2 . Traktor X1 . Traktor F1 (in UPS hands atm) . MBP . TP2 . Reloop Rhp-10 .

    Gone Vci 100 se arcade edition . Audio 2DJ . Launchpad . RMX . lpd8 .

  5. #5


    is it maybe easier to do it with an midi mapping instat of the NHL mapping ? its easy to switch through the modies with shift and browse buttons .... or cant i use both together with the instant switch ?

  6. #6
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    If you are looking for ways to control FX with the S4, have a look at the mapping in my signature. It goes in a totally difference direction than the midi-fighter though.

    @cionni - Sound cloud track embeds in your sig aren't really allowed here. You can link to your sound cloud if you want, like in my sig.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

  7. #7


    You would need to do it with a midi mapping anyway.
    But the problem is Traktor only supports 9 modifiers and a lot of them are already used for other functions so you cannot use them for the Midi-Fighter mapping on your S4 without loosing some other functionality. Btw: The midi fighter mapping is super complicated so there are only a few people being able and willing to transfer this mapping on another controller. It's a lot of work!

  8. #8
    Tech Guru CionniAsDj's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by scamo View Post

    @cionni - Sound cloud track embeds in your sig aren't really allowed here. You can link to your sound cloud if you want, like in my sig.

    ooops, sorry man, got it.
    Traktor S2 . Traktor X1 . Traktor F1 (in UPS hands atm) . MBP . TP2 . Reloop Rhp-10 .

    Gone Vci 100 se arcade edition . Audio 2DJ . Launchpad . RMX . lpd8 .

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by RockingClub View Post
    You would need to do it with a midi mapping anyway.
    But the problem is Traktor only supports 9 modifiers and a lot of them are already used for other functions so you cannot use them for the Midi-Fighter mapping on your S4 without loosing some other functionality. Btw: The midi fighter mapping is super complicated so there are only a few people being able and willing to transfer this mapping on another controller. It's a lot of work!
    i mean the genetic midi mapping not a custom maping in NHL mode ... so with Shift and browse we can switch between NHL mode and the "normal slow" midi mode
    i dont want that much combos that the MF have because i dont even know all of them xD havent got a midi fighter yet ^^ but to control the bearmasher or something with 4 buttons seams to be very nice ... i dont rly like the jogwheel effect mappings thats why iam looking for a mapping like the inst. grav.
    got my S4 for 2 or 3 weeks now and iam still the biggest noob in midi mapping because i was at analog pioneer CDjs and turntables b4 xD ^^

  10. #10
    DJTT Admin Scammer scamo's Avatar
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by CionniAsDj View Post
    ooops, sorry man, got it.
    No problem and thanks for changing your sig.

    Skooppa - the revolution is beginning!

    You want the best FX jogs on the S4? Then try this mapping!

    Our Mixes: Mixcloud - Soundcloud
    Hehe...yeah. We're just beginning.

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