HELLO CRUEL WORLD! I AM YOUR UNTITLED (For the present moment) CREATION! Naw, just joking! My setup right now consists of my Desktop, Windows YESS, Mixxx, my IRON WILL, FL Studio, Audacity, LabChirp (A free chiptune program), sfxr (A free syntheziser program) and OpenOffice.Org 3.3 (So I can come up with song ideas) and nothing else. My name is GlitchMaster (If Nobody Knew). I am currently making Glitch Music (I know, I know it's terrible. But I like it). I like taking samples of my previous works and putting them random places in a song. For example, I will take a glitching sound effect and put reversed at begginning or end of a track. I love it ().

See ya (Maybe not) later