Traktor Pro 2.5 and DDj S1 mapping help???? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Convert
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    Hey Stewe, I tried downloading the te attatchment but it seems the attatchment is not working, you may have to re attatch. Also Give me a couple of days and I will get it out a diagram to you than okay?

  2. #12
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Sure thing man, take as many time as you need just double check all notes before uploading so we dont run into issue later... Note: I noticed S1 send some midi massages in different midi channels so be sure to add midi ch. before note.


    Sorry about attachment, editing post have mess it somehow. Here is new.

    Pioneer ddj-S1_Traktor beta.tsi

    Just let me know how's this working so far.

  3. #13
    Tech Convert
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    Hey Stewe,

    ok HERE we go. Attatched is a jpeg of the diagram with ALL off the midi notes for the S1…

    but NOTE I learned a couple of things whilst the process of this diagram.

    The shift key? that normally sends a midi note. well as I've already said it does NOT send a midi signal, however when held down; INTERNALLY it makes all of the buttons send a different midi note. So this diagram is all the buttons while NOT holding shift. My thinking is, lets get all the parts and buttons working for the S1 regularly before we go into all the mappings for the s1 while holding the shift key(s).

    some of the notes may seem tiny my diagram.. lots of buttons and not much room so you will need to zoom in. if you need a .PSD let me know so if you use photoshop you can zoom in easily.

    Thanks so Much Stewe for helping a small part of the frustrated Pioneer community!

    -DJ GMac


  4. #14
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    I noticed you have missed "jog touch" midi note for both of jog wheels and also make sure right jog wheel has correct code - it says Ch02.CC.034+Ch01.CC.002 in diagram but when I want to map it I can only find Ch02.CC.034+Ch02.CC.002 from controls manager. Can you please check it out?

    I have deleted all commands from your mapping and started from scratch. First thing to map will be jogs and once we got it working properly with banding and scratching sensitivity I'll then add the rest of controls.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    I noticed you have missed "jog touch" midi note for both of jog wheels and also make sure right jog wheel has correct code - it says Ch02.CC.034+Ch01.CC.002 in diagram but when I want to map it I can only find Ch02.CC.034+Ch02.CC.002 from controls manager. Can you please check it out?

    I have deleted all commands from your mapping and started from scratch. First thing to map will be jogs and once we got it working properly with banding and scratching sensitivity I'll then add the rest of controls.

    Ok, Yep my mistake on the right deck... should both be under CH02.

    However if you are looking for jog touch... as in scratching or as in the pitch bend on the side of the jog? If so I can get it for you in about say... 10-12 hours.. its nearly 4am for me just got home from a wedding gig lol.

    just need to clarify before i take my equipment out and check for midi messages again


  6. #16
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ GMac View Post
    Ok, Yep my mistake on the right deck... should both be under CH02.

    However if you are looking for jog touch... as in scratching or as in the pitch bend on the side of the jog? If so I can get it for you in about say... 10-12 hours.. its nearly 4am for me just got home from a wedding gig lol.

    just need to clarify before i take my equipment out and check for midi messages again

    Add knowledge.

    When I said jog touch I meant on touch sensitive part on top of the jogwheel (for scratching). I guess that's all for now and when you send me those midi notes I can start mapping it.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Add knowledge.

    When I said jog touch I meant on touch sensitive part on top of the jogwheel (for scratching). I guess that's all for now and when you send me those midi notes I can start mapping it.

    When you scratch the jog wheel on the S1 that is the message you get... where you just expecting ONE midi note? because i believe there may be one i would just need to find it


  8. #18
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    You might don't know that every touch sensitive jog has two controls and your DDJ S1 too. It mast have one midi note when you just press it (without scratching) that's how traktor know when you touch the record and stop's playback

    Now, those CC that you've entered in diagram are for scratching and pitchbanding and that's ok. I beleave your S1 have microswitches in jogwheels like CDJ and S4 so that moment any of switches is pressed midi note is send to traktor...

    Short. Just press it and see if note is on display if not then it could be an issue with your controller.

  9. #19
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Just a thought. It might send only CC.034 if it sends CC.034+CC.002 when scratching.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Just a thought. It might send only CC.034 if it sends CC.034+CC.002 when scratching.
    if I remember correctly when you just touch and not move the jog you get cc.034

    so my suggestion is try like you would for deck a and ch02 for deck b and we will see if it will work

    if thats okay with you of course


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