Vci-100 + Ns7 + Traktor?
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Richmond VA

    Default Vci-100 + Ns7 + Traktor?

    Hey my fellow dj's!

    I was considering buying an NS7 to add to my existing vci-100 + traktor 3.3 setup. I know there are people currently working on midi mapping the ns7, But does anyone think this would be possible? The vci-100 would control desks c and D And the effects for all decks since the ns7 and itch combo dont have any effects what so ever yet... This might be shooting blanks but i was just seeing if anyone else would believe this to be possible or just not going to happen..

    Thanks for your input
    Dj WongTon
    At the Desk: Windows xp, P4 2.4 ghz (clocked at 2.8), 4 gb ram, 120gb HDD, 80GB HDD, 250gb HDD.
    On the lap/to the club: Lenovo T61P, Windows Xp, Centrino vPro 2.5ghz 6mb L2, 3GB Ram, 160GB internal HDD, 1TB external HDD.
    The controller: VCI-100 silver edition, maya 44 usb sound card + Live wire solutions 4 channel headphone amp (HA04), Sony MDR-v700 headphones. soon to add korg nanoKEY and nanoKONTROL,

  2. #2
    Retired DJTT Moderator DvlsAdvct's Avatar
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    New Jersey/NYC


    It's possible. It's a very expensive solution that 2 VCI-100's would probably fix better, but it can probably be done as long as you use a mini.translator for the NS7
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  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2008
    Edmonton, AB


    Hate to be blunt but I think it's a terrible idea.

  4. #4
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perth, Australia


    The NS7 doesnt currently work with Traktor pro properly - so its not a good idea at all at the moment. Get some DVS going if you want some decks

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