Traktor Kontrol S2 - Traktor & Ableton Sync
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Traktor Kontrol S2 - Traktor & Ableton Sync


    is possible to use this routing with Kontrol S2 without any external audio card ? Because when i use external mode at Traktor routing, my faders and cross just disappear and i cannot use that with Kontrol S2. At this point, i cant imagine how to use any of a controller which can work with Traktor, because on a external mode is faders always gray...How to bypass it ? Any ideas, please ?

    Thank u so much !

  2. #2
    Tech Guru AllDay's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    From The Okanagan. Canada!


    Well you are using a controller so INTERNAL Mode is what you should be using. External is if you have a mixer.

  3. #3
    Setup: Kontrol S2, Komplete Audio 6, Maschine Mikro Akai LPD 8, Akai Mpk49, Traktor 2, Ableton Suite 8.

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