(New Update!) DJTT Kontrol S4 v2.0 Official Mapping Thread - Page 7
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  1. #61
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
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    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    Did a minor update that should solve this:

    S4 Mk1: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/2
    S4 Mk2: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/2211

    Check it out.

  2. #62
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks, I'll try it. There was another problem with the pitch fader. When you move it, you have to grow up to change it because if want to decrease the tempo, it doesn't move directly.

  3. #63
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
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    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    It's intended that way > That option is called "soft takeover" to avoid jumping pitch values.
    When loading and syncing a track, the tempo fader stays put.
    So its position doesn't match the absolute tempo value anymore.
    Now to avoid irrational tempo jumps when touching the fader, you'll have to line up with the screen first.

    When disabling soft takeover (set it to direct mode) you'll probably miss it instantly,
    because it results in drastic tempo changes on every touch of the tempo fader.
    You don't want that during mixing.
    Last edited by beaubryte; 12-26-2013 at 04:48 AM.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Key Lock On/Off Feature

    Hey just wondering if theres a way to map the key-lock on and off feature to something other than the play button.

    When using echo-freeze feature and simultaneously press play on the opposing deck of my mk1 s4 the key lock feature of the new track is then turned off. So if the track is sync'd in any way then the key will instantly change causing my ears to bleed lol.

    i'm not familiar with mapping controllers so i'm not sure how to map or delete this feature. If theres a way to map or delete this then please let me know.

    Thank you

  5. #65
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
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    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    Quote Originally Posted by Statut3 View Post
    Hey just wondering if theres a way to map the key-lock on and off feature to something other than the play button.

    When using echo-freeze feature and simultaneously press play on the opposing deck of my mk1 s4 the key lock feature of the new track is then turned off. So if the track is sync'd in any way then the key will instantly change causing my ears to bleed lol.
    Thank you
    What you need to do is go to the mapping, sort the "Control" section alphabetically and find the rules named "KeyLock On".
    Change ALL modifier condition boxes to M1=7 as shown in the picture.When done, the Keylock function has moved from Shift to holding the center Master button and the Play button..
    Maybe this will solve your problem.

  6. #66
    Tech Wizard
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    May 2011


    Amazing mapping! Having a great time playing around with this. One strange issue I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered:

    I'm using an S4MKII, and upon activating the jog FX, or Echo, Ramp, etc..., any empty Cue LEDs all turn a pale blue-green color.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Thanks!

  7. #67


    can anyone give me a mapping of the new S4 MK2 that i can use with the S4 MK1??
    ---MacBook Pro 13 Core i5 3210m 2,5Ghz 4Gb RAM---Traktor Z2---Technics SL-1210---Traktor S4---Akai MPK Mini---

  8. #68
    Tech Mentor
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    Mannheim / Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by mujagawudakhi View Post
    can anyone give me a mapping of the new S4 MK2 that i can use with the S4 MK1??
    Have a look at the first post! Or at the midi maps section.

    MacBookPro 11,1 | i5 2,4GHz | 16 GB RAM | 256 GB SSD
    MacOSX 10.15.x | TraktorPro 3.x | VCI-100 SE FW 1.4 | VCI-400 SE (EGE)

  9. #69
    Tech Wizard
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    Sep 2014


    can someone tell me what are the effects used for the 3 presets of SuperFx?

    seems like the settings of effects are not correct by me, for example I don't get Ramp Delay for Echo Mod 2, and for those group Fx presets, they are different from the manual as well. However couldn't find anything about the settings of SuperFx so I can't change it myself.

    Thanks in advance.

  10. #70
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
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    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    Quote Originally Posted by ShoWay View Post
    can someone tell me what are the effects used for the 3 presets of SuperFx?

    seems like the settings of effects are not correct by me, for example I don't get Ramp Delay for Echo Mod 2, and for those group Fx presets, they are different from the manual as well. However couldn't find anything about the settings of SuperFx so I can't change it myself.
    Thanks in advance.
    Try importing the included "Effect Settings"from the Extra folder inside the download package.
    Import, Restart immediately, enjoy.

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