Just looking for some peoples opinions on the pros and cons of various hardware, for finger drumming and use for production in ableton, on top of also being mapped to controlling various effects and cue points etc in Traktor.

I have an S2 and F1, but dislike finger drumming on the clicky Pads on the F1, but love using it for remix decks. Just started using Tekken's FX mapping too which I am enjoying, but I find it clumsy having to switch between the 2.

Love the look of the MF spectra, and the simplicity and mappings (and remix deck option which using Tekken's map for F1 I can alter faders and filters), but it is expensive compared to the launchpad, which I can pick up for next to nothing.

Velocity sensitivity isnt something I am massively fussed about.

Peoples thoughts? I love the F1, but dont want to get another one.

Also would like a set up where I could leave the big S2 at home, and just head to a party with F1, ?? and sound card. (on that matter what are thoughts on A2? as I wont you this set up as often)

ps, (convince me to get the MF as I think its sexy)

Thanks in advance.