Z1+iPad Mini?
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Thread: Z1+iPad Mini?

  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Fanta Se, NM

    Default Z1+iPad Mini?

    Anyone using this as a super portable setup? I've seen that Traktor DJ runs fine on the iPad mini, but wanted to make sure that it would be reliable enough to gig with. Big gigs I would still use my MBP + controller, but this looks like a very fun way to have a portable setup.

    Will the iPad mini have enough juice just to DJ? I don't plan on using it for other stuff, but would the iPad 4 be worth the extra $$$?

    Refurb 16gig WIFI is the one I plan on getting btw

    And since I'm going small. Is the iPod touch too small to do a serious set on? Screen wise that is.
    Last edited by muffintop; 07-08-2013 at 05:22 PM.

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