LED update with modifers/ Send Monitor State/ Need some help
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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Default LED update with modifers/ Send Monitor State/ Need some help

    Quote Originally Posted by and_leite View Post
    Dude, to update you LED status using modifiers you should use the ‘Send Monitor State’ control.
    Do you know of any tutorial explaining this further?

    I am trying to get the LED status of all buttons to change when I change the modifier value.


    Kontrol X1:

    Modifier #6 = 0

    In - Monitor Cue (Focus: Deck B) | Norm/Left - FX1 | Condition 1: M6 = 0

    Out - Monitor Cue (Focus: Deck B) | Norm/Left - FX1 | Condition 1: M6 = 0

    Modifier #6 = 1

    In - Filter On (Focus: Deck B) | Norm/Left - FX1 | Condition 1: M6 = 1

    Out - Filter On (Focus: Deck B) | Norm/Left - FX1 | Condition 1: M6 = 1

    What buttton do I assign "Send Monitor State" to?

    Do I give it a modifer condition?

    A description of how to assign "Send Monitor State", so that in the example listed above the LED's update their status to the control they are assigned to whenever the modifer changes would be greatly appreciated...


    If I change modifier #6 from 0 to 1, I would like all LED outputs that have modifier #6 = 0 as a condition to dim, and all LED outputs that have modifer #6 = 1 as a condition to represent their current value.

    And vise versa when I change the modifier state back to 0.

    Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.
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    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    You need to assign send monitor state to the button that actually changes the modifier value. Invert it just in case so it updates when you release the button (apc works that way) and you are sure the modifier has switched value.

    There is no need to give it a modifier condition since all it does is refresh the midi out values on the controller.

    Hope it helps

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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    If this were a face to face forum, I would literally kiss you right now.

    No homo.

    I love you!

    Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much.

    With this, and the added little tidbit that I can use multiple .tsi's for the same controller to expand my modifers...

    My X1 just enabled a whole new level of Kontrol.

    I love this thing.

    Thanks again man, you rock!
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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    There is no need to give it a modifier condition since all it does is refresh the midi out values on the controller.

    Hope it helps

    If I could have found this one tiny bit of info somewhere I would have saved so much time, hehe.

    I figured out Send Control State was what I needed to get it done from someone else, but I couldnt wrap my mind around what "Send Control State" actually meant.

    Thanks again for this info man, I now have all mixer controlls, as well as all effect controls mapped to the top 8 knobs and 4 buttons on one X1.

    I left the bottom section alone, so I still have all those controls as well...

    I can play a whole set with this thing, with all mixer controls, and all effect controls all at my fingertips...

    Its the smallest two deck mixing controller I have ever seen, and the economy of workflow is just so right.

    As someone who appreciates minimalist design....

    This thing rocks.
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    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exokinetic View Post
    This thing rocks.
    Hell yeah!

    PS: answered your other question in NI's forums

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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    It's not necessarily an issue. The shift layer is a whole different layer, you need to either map your current outs to the shift ones or mod it in the controller editor (where you can see what i mean), but if you do mod them it affects ins as well and you will have to recreate the shift command with a new button (since the original doesn't send any midi or nhl data to traktor)

    Makes sense if you use shift as a toggle button rather than hold.

    glad to help again

    You rock again!

    Haha, k, so into the controller editer it seems I need to go.

    If I cant figure I'll post back where I get stuck...

    Thanks again!
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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    "you need to either map your current outs to the shift ones"

    If you dont mind, could you explain how I would go about doing this inside "controller manager" inside Traktor...

    " or mod it in the controller editor "

    And if you dont mind explaining how exatly you go about this inside the standalone "Controller Editor" software, I would seriously love you forever.

    And again, thank you so much for this help, you have really made possible a vision I have had in my head for like 6 months, and have been strugling with implementation for the last month.

    I finally have something that is exactly what I wanted, but if I can figure out what your trying to explain above, I can unlock even more potential!

    Look forward to hearing from you again, and maybe you should give me your paypal address so I can send you a donation...

    Totally worth it.
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  8. #8
    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Ummm... yeah...

    I thought this was totally awesome...

    Untill i tryed playing with it after I added the "Send Monitor State" commands.

    Everytime "Send Monitor State" is used, there is a full 1/2 second drop of all sound...


    Anyone have any ideas?
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    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8upDrew View Post
    Alright this app is undergoing a major rework, since it seems like it's not quite effective for everyone. So i'm going to make this version public.

    Here's the link for the download....

    It works pretty simply. You set your "In-Port" and "Out-Port" in Traktor, to 2 different channels on Midi Yoke.
    Then in my program you set the "From Traktor" to the same midi yoke as traktor's "Out-Port", and the "To Traktor" to the same midi yoke as traktor's "In-Port".
    Then in the program you set both "From Controller" and "To Controller" to your controller. Simple enough right.

    This only works for one controller at a time, since i can't run multiple instances of my program, but multiple controllers will be available on the final version.

    Now for those of you that have ableton live, there's a little trick that i was using before i made this. For me, it didn't work as good as my app, but you're welcome to give it a try.
    All you have to do is open ableton, turn audio off in the audio preferences menu.
    In the midi menu turn on Track and Remote for a midi yoke input channel, and turn on Track and Remote for a different midi yoke output channel.
    (Note: If you have input and output on, on the same midi yoke channel it can create a midi feedback loop, which can cause all kinds of problems.)
    Now that you have done that, in session view create 2 midi tracks.
    Set the first tracks "Midi From" to the Midi yoke channel you've set for the input, and set the "Midi To" to your controller.
    ON the second track set the "Midi From" to you controller, and the "Midi To" to the midi yoke channel you have set to output.
    Then set the monitor to "IN" on both channels.

    Then in traktor, set your "In-Port" to the midi yoke on that you have set as an output in ableton; and the "Out-Port" to the midi yoke you have as an input in ableton.

    The Ableton method worked rather well for me, but there were still some very minor pops here and there.

    As for now i'm going to be working on my app vigorously until i have a solid solution that works for everybody.
    This works like a godsend!!!!

    And if your using it for a Kontrol X1, you dont need to use midi yoke at all!

    You just set all 4 settings in his LED Fix to your Kontrol X1, and good to go!

    No more audio hiccup AT ALL when using "Send Monitor State"

    ....I love you guys.
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  10. #10
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exokinetic View Post
    The regular and shift layers are hardwired and each have send and recieve different information from traktor. ie: ON button may send CC08 in regular mode and CC52 while you press shift. This works in the same way for leds since they share the same CC/MIDI Note than the corresponding button.

    To edit this you need to click the "Assign" tab to the right, clicking on a button and editing the text only changes the label.

    What I meant my modding it in the CE was to edit these values (I think it only alters MIDI mode) so they match each other and you don't have to map the lights twice. As you can see, shift and hotcue buttons don't have a CC label, meaning that they don't send any information to Traktor (they just switch layers in the hardware) so they become useless if you have shift and regular values matched. You need to overcome this by using an extra button and replicate the shift behavior with a modifier.

    Having said all this, the easiest way is to duplicate the Outs and assign them to the shift values so you don't need to do the extra work involved with new modifiers or lose functionality.

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