Calling all Gurus!! - Page 5
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  1. #41
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2016


    Wow, now I feel stupid! Thanks a lot, Stewe! Installed new drivers for both the F1 and the Controller Editor and now my F1 works! Now I can finally get to work!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Use first mapping device (In-Port "ALL PORTS" / Out-Port "Virtual MIDI") but keep all your LED Feedback in to the second mapping which IS properly assigned to the controller (In-Port is NONE / Out-Port is your controller).
    If I set the in-port for my "LED-map" to the virtual MIDI instead of NONE, when the "modifier clock" ticks on the first map, that signal is also passed to the second map, so that I can have my own clock there to control the lights based on the state of the modifiers, like frames in an animation.

  2. #42
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    What kind of animations are you trying to produce with this mapping? It would be interesting to see what you can come up with.

  3. #43
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2016


    I'm experimenting with using the Beat Phase Monitor and the virtual MIDI port to route the signal back into Traktor and activating a modifier. It would, say, increment the modifier on every beat, and when it hit 7, set it back to 0 on the next beat, like described previously in this thread. If I set the second map, the "led-map", to also receive input from the virtual MIDI, I can listen in on this beat and use it to set up another "modifier clock" on the led-map. This clock can be expanded across all 8 modifiers, so that when m1=7, increase m2 by one, and when m2=7, increase m3 and so on. Basically this turns the 8 modifiers into a base-8 number system. However, Traktor only supports two conditions that can go with every action, so we can only check two modifiers at once, but this still leaves us with over thousands of unique pairs (if my math is correct). For each of these pairs we can map all 16 LEDs, basically giving us one frame of an animation. Put all of these frames together, for example by ticking the clock, and you got yourself an animation.

    I just quickly messed with it today and made a simple line scroll over the pad with the beat, but with some work and a lot of headaches I think you could make it look almost identical to the launchpad-videos on youtube, colours flashing and lines and squares dancing. You could even make them trigger by button presses, so you could literally map the animations to your remix deck and have your own little performances. But that would be a lot of work and simple "screensavers" will probably do for me. The only downside is that the beat phase monitor only "ticks" on beats, so a 1/2 loop or lower, or paused music, will not continue the animations. Haha, does any of this make sense?

  4. #44
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    All makes perfect sense sir. What you said about looping is downside of this concept if you don't think about the Loop Recorder

    Because position output of the loop rec can be mapped for that as well

    I made this basic animation by using only two modifiers and 16 values/states.

  5. #45
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2016


    Dang, that looks so cool! I will look into using the Loop Recorder! I'll experiment and tinker away during the next few days, and maybe start a new thread dedicated to it

  6. #46
    Tech Convert
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    Jan 2014


    This is an experimental Midi Game. Made with MidiTranslatorPro.
    Store informations and positions with global variables...

  7. #47
    Tech Convert
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    Jan 2014


    or this Lightshow

  8. #48


    I really like that!! It's awesome! haha I am having a bit of trouble with my modifiers though. Every time I reopen Traktor, the modifiers wont work properly. they skip around and just do weird things. I have no idea why and i just recently, i couldn't get my mapping to work. I switched to all ports, but the mapping wouldn't recognize my controllers input at all. weird things :/ and then m computer got super slow and freaked out and i had restart it a couple times.. I have a macbook pro with 8 gig of ram and the i7 processor. so it shouldn't be a computer issue. Can you think of whats going on?

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