Question on remapping some Z2 controls
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  1. #1

    Default Question on remapping some Z2 controls

    Hi DJTT-community mapping wizards,

    I have a question on remapping the Z2. I figured out that I could optimize the mapping a bit my style of playing

    What I did so far:
    - Remapped the deck C&D knobs to control the volume of Deck A&B + added some new big&nice bakelite-kobs to dip a bit into rotary mixing. Work great an is a LOT of fun!
    - remapped flux buttons to play/pause
    - remapped the abs/relative buttons to filter on/off

    What I didn't manage to do so far:

    - I need to 'unmap' the automatic filter on/off that the factory mapping of Z2 has on the filter knobs. At the moment if I turn the filter from 12 o'clock the filter automatically switches on. If I switch it off with my newly mapped filter on off knobs it turns on again as soon as I move the filter knob just a bit. I tried remapping the Filter knobs to only filter control which didn't help. Is there any other command that I did not see? Any other Ideas?

  2. #2


    Did you check the 'override factory mapping' checkbox both for 'filter adjust' and 'filter on'?

  3. #3


    Yep... the override box is checked.

    It seems like there is some hidden second mapping?

  4. #4


    I just tried all i the variations i could think of. Looks like the off-toggle is hardcoded into the factory mapping to always trigger when the filter reaches 50%.

  5. #5
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    You guys are correct - the Filter ON-OFF toggle is built in to the native mapping. Ni uses a same principal for S2 as well. (some option to deactivate this in the preferences would be sweet... )

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