MFT Firmware problems - Sending color change "Shifts" encoder
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Default MFT Firmware problems - Sending color change "Shifts" encoder

    (I am using the zero index nomenclature, channels 0-15, cc 0-127)

    Just updated the firmware on my MFT and am having some problems. Using "Shift Encoder Toggle", Whenever I send a color change to an MFT encoder, it is automatically "shifted".

    For example:

    1. Unplug then plug in MFT
    2. Move Bank:0, Encoder:0 - midi input is as expected (channel:0, cc:0, value:*)
    3. Send control change message TO the MFT (channel:1, cc:0, value:63) - encoder is yellow as expected
    4. Move Bank:0, Encoder:0 - midi input is NOT as expected (channel:4, cc:0, value:*)

    Hopefully those steps make things clear. In step 4, I'm expecting Bank:0, Encoder:0 to still be sending on channel:0 (not 4).

    For one, I don't understand why the shifted encoder is sending messages on channel 4 when I have it set via MFU on channel 1 (or 2 according to MFU). I do see in the User Guide that Shift Encoder Toggle messages are "sent on Ch. 5", but it seems like that should be the actual button press (which sends on channel 1), not the actual encoder.

    How can I set a color without "shifting" an encoder? Is this possible? Likewise, how can I programmatically (through midi messages) shift/unshift an encoder?
    Last edited by Lokua; 12-30-2016 at 07:08 AM. Reason: clarity

  2. #2
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Lokua View Post
    How can I set a color without "shifting" an encoder? Is this possible? Likewise, how can I programmatically (through midi messages) shift/unshift an encoder?
    Can you simply map RGB for both 'basic' and 'shifted' state to a same color/function? Would that solve the problem for you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Can you simply map RGB for both 'basic' and 'shifted' state to a same color/function? Would that solve the problem for you?
    Thanks for the feedback. Not exactly sure what you mean, but that sounds like what I am attempting. The problem is that no matter what, sending a color will turn the encoder On (shift), so I basically can't set the Off (basic/normal/unshifted) color.

    I am going to experiment with using CC Toggle instead to see if I can accomplish the same end.

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