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The "Kitchen Sink" stuff!
Anything Related to Digital Djing
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Off beat, off topic and derailed threads, it can all be found here.
Drop a line in case of any forum/site bugs and errors. For shop errors, please email, skype or call the guys at DJTT HQ. (And be patient ;) )
Everything that is related to your DJ gear can be found here.
Place your own Reviews and Questions here.
Discuss the Traktor Kontrol S2, S3, S4, S5 and S8
All discussions about the joys of mixing with CD or Vinyl go in here
Custom MIDI mappings for all controllers and software
DIY Guides, Firmware Files, Mappings and Tutorials for your Midi Fighter Classic, Pro, 3D, Spectra, Twister or 64.
Resources and help for our controllers, overlays, arcade kits and firmware updates
The forum where you can get your fix on VCI-400SE goodness.
The tools and results of DJ work.
Anything to do with RekordboxDJ and it's expansions
Anything to do with Serato SSL, Itch or SeratoDJ
Discuss music production techniques
Controllerism routines, Mixes, Podcasts and Radioshows and Battles.
A place to share your Originals, Remixes & Mashups
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Welcome to our newest member, beligaspharma