Well.. this setup is now in a small enclosed space. I have many times considered painting the walls. IF I do, it would be using invisible UV paint. For right now though Im going to hold off.
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That's crazy looking, looks pretty cool in UV
ill take some more pictures when is finished, still need to hook up the Midi controllers. But for the most part I dont use midi controllers anymore, just for controlling VJ apps. Waiting on getting an Innerclock box before bringing the software back into the mix.
You have any more of your video stuff you can share? It's pretty cool...
Will post a video soon.. just got everything wired... and one last peice of gear is on its way to become the brain for all the sequencing
That's incredible. You know at first when I saw this I was turned off but there is something about it that is just amazing. Also love your video/music work- that setup is just so crazy i can't even recognize a lot of the gear anymore.
Now you just need to get a modular synth and a nest of patch cables
Modular is the one drug I vowed to never mess with. :)
The closest I will ever get is a program I sometimes use called Numerology. I have a Cirklon ordered to take care of the 20 parts from the Virus Snow and Waldorf Blofeld. Atm Im just routing the parts in ableton and using the zero sl to let the Axis or Pad one trigger them. Octatrack is using all 8 midi channels for drums.
I would like to get the best mixer.. DB4.. but afaik it doesnt have the same functional stuff as the 92 which I need (aux 1 and aux 2 output)
This whole setup works well for the length of my arms.. everything is positioned based on priority of use to minimize my arms getting too tired or needing to read a screen.
Go modular, it's totally awesome and worth it.
I just started a little 3u eurorack setup and it is a lot of fun, I will probably be at 6u in a couple weeks. Totally worth it- eurorack isn't that expensive in the scheme of things and if you don't spend the money on modular it will just be something else.
The DB4 is pretty great- it has one aux input so you can get 5 channels out of it.
very nice it is like what happens when ocd collides with phenethylamines. you need matching camo to play.
I have matching camo, problem is that its summer... and it doesnt breath because of all the fabric paint... Ill post a video and somehow try to endure. Also have a mask which makes it even more unbearable