Monitor speakers? What should I get?
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Default Monitor speakers? What should I get?

    I used the search function and didn't find a thread with this topic so here it goes.

    I need some speakers at home, I am currently using a pair of old external computer speakers for my master output from my audio 2 dj...they are terribad. I can barely even hear the frigging kick unless I crank it. So I need some new speakers.

    From what I have been reading up on, I am assuming there are two types of speakers: monitor speakers and PA speakers. Monitor speakers are pointed towards the DJ, and have a very flat sound so we can hear all the frequencies etc.. PA speakers have a lot of bass and are for the audience. Am I right?

    It looks like I need monitor speakers, but ideally I'd like some speakers that I can use at home but also let's say for a small party. What do you guys recommend?

    I don't want to spend more than $400-500, $300 would be ideal.


    here is where I am buying from (a local place):

  2. #2
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
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    If you want something for parties that you can also DJ with then go a PA.

    Monitor speakers really are not for parties, though they can do the job.

    The only reason i would say to get studio monitors is if you are also doing production.

    Theres also the option of checking out all the second hand stores and scoring yourself a nice consumer level stereo system - which would be good for djing and parties.

  3. #3
    Tech Guru MaxOne's Avatar
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    Yeah, Monitor speakers are for production really. I use monitors at home for a bit of production and also djing but i wouln't take them to a party, although they'd probably be pretty good really. They go really load but i just wouldn't want to thrash them.

    I agree with Bento, you could just get a decent consumer amp and speakers really and that would probably serve you better in the end...
    Club of Jacks are a London based House & Garage production / DJ duo with releases on a number of underground labels including Plastik People Recordings, Blockhead Recordings, Hi Energy!, Pocket Jacks Trax, Soul Revolution Records and their own Club of Jacks imprint.

  4. #4
    Tech Wizard
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    If you want to do home production also youŽb be better doubling your budget, for ~350$ a piece you will get some nice monitors.

    if you are going for a more customer style home stereo i can recommend the products from but i dont know how hard it is to get that stuff in canada

  5. #5
    DJTT Moderator bloke Karlos Santos's Avatar
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    I went the easy route and got the obvious Monitors that people talk about KRK Rokits.
    I never want them to leave the house and i do some production so they were perfect.

    If people come round they are loud enough to rock the house.

    Very happy with them.

  6. #6
    Tech Mentor
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    Ah I see what you guys mean. Looks like I'll be getting some PA speakers then.

    Behringer seems to be a popular brand...not to mention some of their stuff is in my budget limit. Any recommendations with those or is buying speakers less of a "buy the EXACT right product" type of thing (comparable with purchasing a first midi-controller)? You know what I mean? Would I be safe with just purchasing an inexpensive set of Behringers?

  7. #7
    Tech Guru pilmat's Avatar
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    This thread had a lot of good advice and suggestions:

    If I remember correctly, the Behringers got a thumbs up. No experience with them personally, though.

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  8. #8
    Tech Guru
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    hrmmm... 400-500 is going to be a little tough to swing for a decent PA. I would recommend staying away from such companies as Technical Pro, and the like.

    Your classification of monitors and PA's are... almost right, but *most* Pa speakers, will have very little content below say... 80 or 90 hz, and even thats pushing it. The bass comes from the subs. Most PA speakers are just.... louder across their bandpass than monitors. They generally use a larger midrange driver (in your price range, a single 10, 12, or 15) and larger High frequency drivers. The focus is making something that will reproduce music LOUD, which is why many of them are unsuitable for use as production monitors, because volume isnt an issue with monitor.

    I would say look for a used pair of Tapco thumps... but they would kind of be a bitch to use at home. They drop like a rock after 80 hz, but the thing about kicks is they have content in the bass (60-90 hzthis is what you "feel") the midrange (this is what you "hear), and the highs(this is how your brain knows to stay in time). I'm not a fan of 15s in the midrange, especially when coupled with subs (Laser tight midrange dispersion) but I've used the tapcos in the past and been fairly happy with them for stand alone mobile setups.
    Last edited by sine143; 04-24-2010 at 10:50 AM.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by sine143 View Post
    hrmmm... 400-500 is going to be a little tough to swing for a decent PA. I would recommend staying away from such companies as Technical Pro, and the like.

    Your classification of monitors and PA's are... almost right, but *most* Pa speakers, will have very little content below say... 80 or 90 hz, and even thats pushing it. The bass comes from the subs. Most PA speakers are just.... louder across their bandpass than monitors. They generally use a larger midrange driver (in your price range, a single 10, 12, or 15) and larger High frequency drivers. The focus is making something that will reproduce music LOUD, which is why many of them are unsuitable for use as production monitors, because volume isnt an issue with monitor.

    I would say look for a used pair of Tapco thumps... but they would kind of be a bitch to use at home. They drop like a rock after 80 hz, but the thing about kicks is they have content in the bass (60-90 hzthis is what you "feel") the midrange (this is what you "hear), and the highs(this is how your brain knows to stay in time). I'm not a fan of 15s in the midrange, especially when coupled with subs (Laser tight midrange dispersion) but I've used the tapcos in the past and been fairly happy with them for stand alone mobile setups.
    Thanks for the clarification there. Those Tapco Thumps look great...I love the EQs in the back of the TH-15A 15". I might just purchase one of them for now just so I have some decent sound, then in the future I can always buy the second one later. Thanks!

  10. #10
    Tech Guru
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    no problem man. Tapco is a sub company of Mackie, which explains why the tapco thump was recently discontinued, and mackie released some M thumps or something hahaha.

    1 should be fine for now. It wont be stereo, but thats not a big deal. A friend of mine has spun downtempo by the bar with just 1 thump before, while we tore it up in the backroom. He said he had plenty of coverage, but it wasnt overly intrusive.

    The only downside is... they wont fit on your desk hahaha.

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