now those are some pimp ass knobs!!!!!!!!!
what are they? man that looks sweet.
SSL - DJM 800 - Technic 1200's - X1 - ITCH - NS6 - VCI-300
is it easy to replace the encoder knobs on the X1? have you tried the normal rotary knobs?
Yeah it was pretty easy to do, Just pull off the knobs and slide the new ones on and turn tighten the set screw. The tricky part, is remembering to leave a little bit of space under the knob so it doesnt hit chassis when spinning the knob while its pushed down.
The silver one, I assume is what you would consider regular, since its fully round, yeah I have, but finding replacement knobs arent easy. I tired the ones off my Rane 2016, but its a spine mount, versus the D-shaft of the X1 and with set screw. It helps with positioning and have them spin property without the drag, but I also know they wont pop off easily.
But also to answer your question in another way, you can use a knob from anything, shaft sizes are pretty standard. The tricky part, is finding the knobs and finding ones that suit your style and for me that meant larger knobs I can spin with control. The original one are great, but when I did my first party in a dark bar with the S4, I realize I couldnt see the knobs in the dark, especially the zero point. And when I found some knobs, they had larger ones and I thought to myself this will give me better control smaller ones. I learned my lesson from using a BCD3000 for a year, and found it hard to fine tune the EQs and Levels with the little knobs on that controller.
MBP i5 13", NI Z2, 2x NI X1, 2x NI F1s, NI Audio 8, A&H K2, Rane 2016, 2x 1210MK2e, 2x CDJ-400s, RMX-1000, NI S8, MBA 11"
Hey Deejaysoul
Inspirational job! Love what you did with the knobs
Could you tell me the diameter of the filter and looping knobs? I've ordered some 20 x 12mm for the EQ and FX controls and about to order some more on eBay from Hong Kong
APC40 Traktor button overlay
Technics 1200 MK2s - Vestax PMC06 - NI Kontrol S2 - Traktor - Akai APC40 - Ableton Live 8
DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO
Click HERE to D/L Free Tracks from Soundcloud!!!
nice Cptn Midnight - what did you use to label?
and do you have a .tsi to share?