+1 with Monika about fixing the clips on the mp3's
+1 with Monika about fixing the clips on the mp3's
PN - works amazing with older tracks but even with new tracks, it works.
MIK - Gets it pretty good in the mark, so when you transfer your songs into traktor pro, you do a lot less beatgrids
Thank Ya!!!
PN creates new files, so you still have the original...
I use PN and love the results.. having started collecting music for DJ only a few months ago i didn't have so many for it to process in one go, I found that Traktor got confused with the new files at first though and the grid markers were up to half a beat off.. not an issue to fix with only 80 or so tracks tbh.
PN and then MIK are the first things that happen to any new track now, i have a pretty streamlined workflow for getting my tracks in the desired formats etc.. now (location, naming, processing, gridding etc..)
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I use both of the softwares and agree with a lot that has been said here.
Basicly my work flow goes: Download the tracks to one folder, put them through platinum notes which saves the new files to other folder, run the new files through mixed in key which adds the key tag, after the files are done I grab mp3tag and use it's scripts to automatically rename the files + add key info to song and so on.
It looks like a lot to do but it's really quite simple once you get the routine to it. After that you have to work the grids in traktor but that you would have to do anyways.
This is because platinum notes adds a small bit of silence to the start of the audio file. So run your files through pn BEFORE gridding to save some time. The amount of silence seems to be a bit random so it can't be automated by moving every grid for example forward a certain amount.
But I can recommend the programs. I have to second Monika with the fact that -13db is really nice feature. It sets the average volume to around -12,85 - -13,15. Rest in PN2 feels just like a plus. The enchanced dynamics require better sound system to be heard well, but it pays the price at that point.
I'm currently only running MIK and I really wouldn't want to miss it! Makes my mixes a lot more consistent and helps finding interesting combinations of tracks.
I haven't played with PN yet as I use Traktor's autogain but from what I've read above and considering that the autogain is not always getting it right, I'll have a closer look at PN as well. I wonder if there's a way to save the detected BPM from MIK in a way that TPro doesn't overwrite it when the track is added to music collection?
Yeah, i could see the track waveform had changed but the grids not - only had to take a time hit on the 80 or so tracks i had up to then, now my workflow is essentially the same as yours...
The volume equalisiation is a god-send IMO and far better than Traktor's own autogain... Traktor seems to just use a peak level, which isn't of much use to be honest
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many thanks for all the great constructive replies esp RSDJm
I tried rapid evolution but it did'nt seem to work so I think I will go ahead & purchase PN & MiK ($98 both - mixedinkey.com) I really like the idea of normalising all my tracks to the same level to give my gain knobs a rest.
ahh here comes hours & hours of track sorting ... its about time really
VAIO - T3/PRO - VCI 100 - AK1 - DJM-400
I recently purchased MIK and I love the simple interface and fantastic results. RE was too complicated for what I was looking for.
I am considering getting PN, but I have a concern...
So then the tags written to the track previously will be preserved, but beatgrids will be off? Or will they be removed?
Has anyone had issues using it in os x?
i love mixed in key, its a great tool. well worth the money. i use the os x version of both MIK and PN.
i just bought platinum notes a few days ago, so far, im not impressed. its extremely slow in processing you tracks, its taken almost 2 days so far and its only about 1/3 done with my collection (990 tracks total, its done just under 200 in about 30 hours). but the sound quality of the tracks that it fixes is pretty good. it makes flat sounding tracks a lot fatter sounding and it makes tracks that are way over produced and over leveled sound much much cleaner and better.