How about Q&A with the equipment providers?
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru Fatlimey's Avatar
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    Default How about Q&A with the equipment providers?

    Traktor 3.4 is almost cooked, and I was wondering if we should try to contact Native Instruments to get some kind of involvement between our community and theirs, at the very least get an email Q&A interview with questions solicited from the DJTT board members.

    There's a bunch of very focussed users over here, and maybe some outreach to powerusers would be good for all of us? Same goes for Ableton, Stanton, and the hardware manufacturers. It would beat having to wait around for trade shows to get our tiny dribbles of DJ news.

  2. #2
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    Perth, Australia


    Yes that would be very very cool i certainly agree with everything you are saying.

    We have had some recent success with some feature requests for Bomes Midi Pro. We are not talking about some small additional of functionality either. For my personal list of feature requests i have been in contact with Florian from Bomes directly. Let me tease you with part of an email Florian from Bomes sent me
    "took a long time to digest all your proposals They're great,
    and we hope to include them one by one."

    I think its pretty obvious we have a lot to offer both software/hardware manufacturers and a community that is more than willing to help.

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