the HRTBRKD APC40 Simple Controller - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor
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    If anyone can give me some links to record my screen and add in a web/camera feed to the video I can build a step by step midi mapping set up for both modes. Will appreciatte any help thanks. So far I only have recording software for my own screen.

  2. #12
    Tech Mentor
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    Track selection area and Scene launch area can only display Green LED feed back. I beleive they only have a green diode led in it while the other have 3 diode leds.

  3. #13


    I have referred my questions to this thread, so now my questions/answers reside in this thread and this one:

    To clear up and be completely accurate I am re-posting the current issues I'm having. This is posted in the other thread. I am re-posting here (to clear up what I meant in my last post).

    Quote Originally Posted by DJD-stortion View Post
    - Is send monitor state necessary for every button and knob that has an LED? Is this taxing on the CPU? I read somewhere you might need to adjust your latency a little bit.

    - Though I've read the mini-tutorial on the blog, I'm not quite sure of the difference between Controller Range and Midi Range. Also, I've noticed the numbers seem backwards with max Midi being larger than min Midi often. LED problems are the biggest issue.
    Some of my questions have been answered in this thread, for those interested:

    However, the two "questions" (more like paragraphs :P) I quoted above remain somewhat unclear to me. Here is the current problem concerning those two questions/paragraphs:

    I have mapped the LED knobs to both 'volume' style and 'single' style. These control the 4 FX units (grouped). I have a toggle/modifier to change between two FX units for both decks A/C (FX units 1/3) & B/D (FX units 2/4). For example, if I have the modifier for A/C selected so that that the first row of knobs works for FXUnit 1 and if I change the values for FXUnit 3, when I switch the modifier to control FXUnit 3 and touch one of the knobs the values for the effects/dry-wet jump to where they were set while the modifier was allowing control of FXUnit 1. I believe the way to solve this is to have a 'send monitor' output for each of the knobs set so that it constantly tells the knob the values (inverted, so when knob is not touched 'send monitor' message sent).
    This way if I'm controlling FXUnit 1 live (being heard through the audio output because the modifier is allowing its adjustment in the software), and I happen to mess with the knobs for FXUnit 3 (not heard as the changes are occuring on the controller but not the software), when I switch the modifier to control FXUnit 3 and hit the actiavate effect button for the three effects, or slightly touch the knobs in FXU3, the effects will occur at the values it was originally before adjusting the knobs.
    In easiest terms, I want to prevent change in the controller values while the software is not being controlled by the knobs. Software controls controller, not controller controls software.

    Addressing the second question, I have gotten the clip buttons in the 5x8 grid to light up various colors and blink, but the other buttons (column 9, row 6, row 7) are not following the value-color/function assignments that have been listed in the thread on Tech Tools. Any help with this? I will probably be able to figure it out, but it'll save me a butt load of time if someone could clear up some up this issue. Another curiosity is: I realize the activation, solo/cue, and record buttons only have one button, but can they blink?

    Thanks for the help guys! I'll be uploading my mapping for the APC40/Mixtrack duo setup once I get the mapping done (draft), and then probably again later once I figure out the pros/cons of the 1-1 mapping system.
    Last edited by DJD-stortion; 11-15-2011 at 07:17 PM.

  4. #14
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    Colum 9 only has 1 LED diode on it. It can only be set to Green. >.<

    Last edited by hrtbrkd; 11-15-2011 at 09:23 PM.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by hrtbrkd View Post
    Colum 9 only has 1 LED diode on it. It can only be set to Green. >.<
    What about rows 6 & 7? (in columns 1-8 obviously)

    And what about the "send monitor state" hypothesis? (hypothesis because I don't know if the issue has to do with send monitor state, or some other function)
    Last edited by DJD-stortion; 11-15-2011 at 11:36 PM.

  6. #16
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    Row 6 and 7 also can only he green. The only ones available with options are the clip launch area due to the different states in ableton. Remember the APC40 is a ableton designed controller.

  7. #17


    I have another question concerning flashing. To get the flashing lights to match the tracks, you can either match the tempo beats, or the volume (VU meter). How do you do this? Is it by using send monitor state outputs? I still would like a response to that issue, if anyone is willing to explain it.

    Yeah, I know. Eventually I'll move to Ableton for DJing live as well. Just wanted a temporary easy setup to be able to practice easily without the slower workflow I have on Ableton right now. The other main reason is because of Ableton's global clock. I need to map scrolling through tracks in Ableton somehow to be able to turn off global warping (for every track) and treat it like beat matching normal tracks.

  8. #18
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    I did post the quote on how to create VU meters if that helps.

    The options you have to create a VU meter is

    Global VU Meter

    Deck A VU Meter

    Deck B VU Meter

    Deck C VU Meter

    Deck D Vu Meter

    You may want to download my TSI to see how I made mine also. I used Global VU. As far as APC40 as a Traktor controller. I meant it to come across that I love it and feel it's tyhe best controller that works for me. I just tailor it to work best for me and try to keep it simple. =)

  9. #19
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    Also please look over.

    This may answer some stuff that you might have some concerns about.

  10. #20


    Yup, I read that and I also have been looking at your other post/thread. That's what I was relating my troubles to...saying that assigning my midi values to what you posted in the other thread didn't work. However, I obviously was wrong about column 9 and rows 6,7. As for the other buttons we'll see. I'm sitting down starting now to finish off my mapping. Thanks for the help and response. I'll update you with a more specified problem later. (Hopefully not :P)

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