S4/Pro 2 increasing weirdness.
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  1. #1

    Default S4/Pro 2 increasing weirdness.

    Looking for some pointers/advice on an increasing amount of strange things happening with my S4 and Pro 2 combo.

    Firstly, playing a gig a couple of weeks ago and suddenly no sound. Nothing from the speakers or headphones although the tracks still looking like they were playing. Closed Traktor, opened again and everything fine. Not ideal having a 2 minute window with no music. This is the second time this has happened.
    Second, also playing a gig and sync no longer syncing except track speed. Not a major issue as I just did it manually, this also fortunately happened whilst playing the last tune of the night.
    Next, all sorts of random weirdness. Traktor loading tracks with the beatgrid starting about 3 and a half beats in and the track speed reading something random like 70 instead of 125.
    Following this, at times I'll start Traktor and it will only sync to the master clock regardless of the setting. It simply refuses to make a track deck the master.

    I'd forgotten that the master no volume no longer controls the master volume on the screen. It still controls the volume coming out of the speakers but the master on the screen remains static. If I move the master on the screen with the mouse it also controls the volume.

    The master volume has been a problem for about 3 weeks. The first and second total audio drop outs came before I'd made any changes to Traktor. I have also recently tried importing AoM's midi mapping which worked every now and then and more recently scamo's which works like a dream other than the other problems randomly taking place.

    Any thoughts? What I really want to do is start from scratch, uninstall and reinstall, fresh beginning. Thoughts on this? To be honest, I don't know how to..

    I use a MPB 13 which is about 18 months old with Lion as the OS.



  2. #2
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    L.A. (lower Alabama)


    Don't know about your other problems, but the master volume control on the S4 controls the sound card not the software, so that is as it should be.

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