Ah look at this.
source: http://www.macrumors.com/2011/11/14/...-itunes-match/- Match uses your meta-data. If you in an anal-retentive fashion have made lots of custom edits to your files, that is what gets copied to the cloud. Even if you replace your songs with the upgraded versions you keep your previous meta-data.
DJDiscourse.com — the new DJ community
I think anyone who relies on iTunes for their Traktor/Serato/whatever connection should definitely hold off for now. Imagine if you replace a track and your DJ interface resets the grid/cue points,![]()
I would be grateful if anyone could actually try and confirm this.
As I live in Germany and despite iTunes to its fullest I already have two reasons not to stick any cash into Apple's arse.
DJDiscourse.com — the new DJ community
just read the following news. iTunes Match only analyzes the first 17 seconds of a track. if it finds a match over those 17 seconds, the only other criteria it looks at are whether the length of the track is approximately correct and whether the metadata is roughly appropriate.
scam potential galore. download a 30s song preview (the preview has to start from the beginning of the track), fill up the length of the track with silence. encode at >=96kbps, fill in some metadata, and add to your itunes. voila! or, even easier, download the track off youtube, encode at >=96kbps, put some metadata, and add to your itunes.
Appleupload, so to speak![]()