How to make iTunes read "comment" field from mp3 ID3 Tag.
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru DJ SB's Avatar
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    Default How to make iTunes read "comment" field from mp3 ID3 Tag.

    I have recently analyzed all of my tracks in KeyFinder and had it write the key values to my mp3s in the ID3 v2.4 comment field. The keys show up fine in the tractor comment field in the traktor browser but not the iTunes tree or in iTunes itself. In iTunes, selecting all the tracks, getting info, and changing one thing in another field doesn't work. The only thing I have found that works is selecting a track(s), and converting ID# tag to none, but this isn't an option because I lose other ID3 tag data. Any ideas of how I can get iTunes to recognize and display my mp3 comment field? Thanks! Im getting pretty desperate.
    Last edited by DJ SB; 03-19-2012 at 10:35 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    What happens if you play the track in iTunes?
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #3
    Tech Guru DJ SB's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Tech Mentor SpeshulEd's Avatar
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    Select all tracks, convert ID tags, select ID v2.4, hit ok.

    Also note, there is no "key" tag in iTunes, mine shows up in the "grouping" column.

  5. #5
    Tech Guru DJ SB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpeshulEd View Post
    Select all tracks, convert ID tags, select ID v2.4, hit ok.

    Also note, there is no "key" tag in iTunes, mine shows up in the "grouping" column.
    Thanks man but that doesn't work either.

  6. #6
    Tech Guru DJ SB's Avatar
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    Anyone? Really need help with this. I've done hours of googling at this point, even messed up my library converting ID3 tags to none and had to restore it from a time machine backup (lost about 100 tracks tags) because I don't backup enough. It's been a nightmare.

  7. #7
    Tech Mentor SpeshulEd's Avatar
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    I have no experience with keyfinder so I'm not sure where it stores the information in the tag.

    It shows up in the Traktor "comment" field, or does it show up in the "key" field. The only thing thing I can think of is to check all the field display options in itunes and see if it doesn't pop up in some random field.

    Does it say anything on the KeyFinder site...maybe send a note to their support.

  8. #8
    Tech Guru keeb's Avatar
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    This may be a stupid question and I assume you have already done this, but it's a bit unclear from your post; have you enabled the comments field in iTunes? i.e. right clicking on the column headers and clicking on "comments" in the drop-down list? Aside from that I'm not sure what the issue is. I know that with Rapid Evolution you had to choose a certain version of JID3 tagging (2.3 or 2.4, I don't recall) to make the tags write properly for Traktor to read them. iTunes shouldn't have that issue as far as I'm aware, but I could be wrong. Personally for keys I've been using Rapid Evolution 3; it's not perfect or especially user-friendly, but it writes keys to the grouping tag (which leaves me free to use the comments tag as I see fit), is seen by both iTunes and Traktor, and will write Camelot codes. It's a little buggy (especially with huge batch writing) but if you can figure out how to work around those bugs, it works a treat. I can't say I've heard of KeyFinder (I did google the digitaldjtips review though) so I'm assuming it's relatively new. New & free usually means bugs and little online support - so again, I'd go with Rapid Evolution.

  9. #9
    Tech Guru DJ SB's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I have it set to write in the "comment" field and thats where it flawlessly shows up in Traktor. Yes I have comments enabled in iTunes. And all of my ID3 tags are v2.4.

  10. #10
    Tech Mentor SpeshulEd's Avatar
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    I use rapid evolution as well. It took forever to do my whole collection, but now that it's only a few songs here and there, it does it fairly fast - good enough for me anyway.

    I can't figure out what your issue might be though, especially when it shows up in Traktor. On a rare occasion, I get a track that doesn't take the tag and I have to redo it, or type it in by hand, but that doesn't happen too often.

    Are your tracks DRM'd? Could that be the issue?

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