Searching for a mixer for Ableton - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor ajrindy's Avatar
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    Why are motorized faders so important, just wondering.
    You can change the takeover mode in ableton to make the faders worked when jumping between different channels. or whatever it's called in Ableton. I jsut always refer to it as "soft take-over" mode from when I used my APC40 with traktor

  2. #12
    Tech Guru synthet1c's Avatar
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    icon icontrols pro it's 200 pounds from Juno... It has touch sensitive motorised faders and 9 encoders with led feedback on all the buttons

    pair it up with an icon istage and you have a mastering and arrangement setup for about $450US

    Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!

  3. #13
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    I hear where you are coming from on the 30 tracks .. pain in the ass alright without the motor faders :-S

    You do know you can get the Behringer in white though a BCR and one or 2 BCR's though would give you more control if you have the space.

    Mackie + livid Code perhaps ? Shame that digidesigns controllers won't work in Ableton

    Alesis Master Control ?

    Personally I'd go for heaps (3 or 4) of Behringers

    BTW the Zero 8 is only 599 Pounds right now in HTF brand new ! :-O

    I really don't like the look of that icontrols (looks like a big nanokontrol)

    But their Qcon looks gorgeous and has a street price of under $800 ...

    You can change the takeover mode in ableton to make the faders worked when jumping between different channels. or whatever it's called in Ableton. I jsut always refer to it as "soft take-over" mode from when I used my APC40 with traktor
    Its horrible to use,for fast switching of channels its not accurate and not very productive when you need to watch everything on screen to make sure you aren't screwing up.

    Its uncomfortable to use in production at best and not a hope in hell I could use soft takeover in a live situation either, I know others do it, but its a personal thing I guess. I need a knob/fader/button assigned to every task individually unless they are encoders or motorized.

    I'm guessing the OP is of the same opinion.
    Last edited by deevey; 03-21-2012 at 02:40 AM.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by deevey View Post
    I'm guessing the OP is of the same opinion.
    I am! This are quite the best recommendations so far. You're one of the first people understanding my probs, I guess. Great! White Behringer devices and the Zero 8 are currently unavailable in German stores but maybe I will think of importing. But with customs duty and shipping costs can rocket high.
    Qcon or Alesis Master Control are quite nice but still without more encoders.

    But quite love your idea of using Mackie + livid Code! That would be pretty much it. In contrast to the other devices I never got to know from the Livid Code, but now with the knowledge about it things seem to look much easier! (It's a shame the Mackie C4 is no longer sold...) Great recommendation!

    Btw: the case for these two Behringer devices: Is it DIY or commercially available?

  5. #15
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    Another idea I was toying with for a while which might interest you, is Behringers lighting console with midi out.

    OK so not motorized faders BUT 24 of them which would be enough for "most" projects, and a good few buttons to play, its a decent enough all metal chassis.

    Also from what I can of the manual you can program lighting chases and run it like an automated step sequencer, always wanted to try it out but current location unfortunately prevents me getting one to test.

    You can download the manual on their site and check how midi is assigned, I remember looking at it before and saw possibilities ..

    Paired with a Code it could be very interesting.

    The case for the BCR is DIY btw - sad to say, the side panels come off pretty easy though and you could bolt 2 units together at the bottom (like the APC80) and put nice wooden edges on them easy enough

  6. #16


    Just had a look at it and found a review where was said, that unfortunately only a few (think they said 8) faders are really Midi-capable. Though I don't know if this is truely right...

  7. #17
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockingClub View Post
    Just had a look at it and found a review where was said, that unfortunately only a few (think they said 8) faders are really Midi-capable. Though I don't know if this is truely right...
    The manual is available HERE and its got a full midi list on page 23 with the CC values and assignments for midi suggesting that pretty much everything is mappable.

  8. #18


    Alright! Nice info!

  9. #19


    In the mean-time I have started thinking about buying some Behringer BCF/BCR stuff and repainting it. That would save up money for production stuff like new monitor headphones, two new soft-synth and more. Maybe I'll give it a try soon. Quite busy at the moment
    Last edited by RockingClub; 04-18-2012 at 03:56 PM.

  10. #20
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    Instead of painting you could try Car Dash Vinyl Wrap for that super unique look hehe.

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