I have an issue with the vci-400 ean golden mapping that hopefully someone can help me with. I had been using a Denon mc-6000 as my main midi controller and I've gotten pretty accustomed to how the tempo bend works in that default mapping. Tempo bending with the outer ring of the jog (not touching the touch-sensitive part) works relative to how fast the jog dial is spun. So if I put one finger on the outer ring and spin the jog, the track tempo will increase a certain percent. The faster I spin the jog, the faster the track speed increases. I believe this is the standard behavior on pioneer CD-J's.
On the vci-400 EG mapping, If I spin the outer edge of the jog on a playing track slowly (say, spinning the jog wheel one revolution every 1-2 seconds) the tempo keeps increasing about 10% every revolution until I quit spinning the jog. I assumed this was "acceleration" - so I went through the mapping and found "tempo bend" and tried turning the "rotary acceleration" (set at 2%) to 0% - but that didn't change the behavior. What am I missing here? Is that function not called "tempo bend" in the mapping? Is there some other place where the acceleration is stored?
Also, is there some kind of 'release' setting for the jog? On my mc6000 when I stop tempo bending it goes almost immediately back to the original tempo. with the vci-400 it will continue accelerating for about half a second after i quit spinning the jog. Again, this is with the outside plastic part of the jog - so it's not an issue with touch sensitivity. What's going on is more apparent when just seeking through a track. Standard behavior between the two controllers is that when the track is stopped, moving the jog dial by the plastic edge seeks through the track very slowly. On the vci-400 If I turn the jog dial by the edge then stop - the track doesn't stop moving for about half a second after I quit turning the jog. (on the mc6000 it stops instantly) I haven't been able to figure out if this is a feature of the mapping or a feature of the vci-400 (something like adjustable digital breaking on the jog dial midi signal).
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated.