the nice thing about having a full machine shop at you disposal means i can do something crazy, so ive sat down and written a nice lil CNC program to machine up some 8mm plexi to make some invisible supports with breeze holes for wiring, im also working on an idea for a sliding surface under the table top for a midi keyboard/mouse pad, so i can move the apc20 a lil closer to me.. ive also got a nice 37 inch flatscreen i plan to mount on the wall for use as an external monitor.. the missus is also clearing thru some of those wrethced book so i can have some more room, so the idea now might be to move the laptop to under the table so it out of the way and with the external tv/monitor with the hidden work surface and such will both clean up the table and make my work area a lil more ergonomic
as for the dicers.... its all about that yummy dj putty they came with