How much effort/tricks and techniques - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Mentor Tommi Bass's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    I play fucking good music .......... that is the cream of underground Minimal-Tech scene, not many effects used but in say a two hour set I will be dropping 50 tracks......... I'm constantly mixing and experimenting with the wonderful tracks at my disposal.

    Its quite frantic ... but it keeps you on your toes and the crowd allways goes off the chain when I'm doin the do. :-9

    Which spurs me on to be more mental... and so on.

    As Bruce Lee would say.."Don't think...... Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel"

  2. #12
    Tech Mentor
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by rdale View Post
    I find there is room for both playing tracks and doing routines. Routines are great, gives 4-6 minutes of "wow i never heard that before and I will never hear that again", but there I think letting a track play and straight mixing holds a groove better. I can think of a few DJs that I really want to hear scratch, mash, or otherwise "flavor" up for an hour and lots that I wish would let the track just play. Like bad MC's that rhyme over vocals, or interfere with the over all sound so as to be distracting, too much of a good thing is really bad.
    Okay, see I'm just use to actually performing a lot more then you're saying. Should I chill out a bit and just let some tracks play?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patch View Post
    You can't remix EVERY track, and you can't use interesting blends/transitions between every track. Those techniques lose their impact if you do. You have to work the crowd up to a routine, and drop it at the right time.

    I know there is a tendency to prove yourself at every single opportunity, but seriously, it just becomes too much (boring) for the crowd.

    Working up to a routine over 4 or 5 tracks is a surefire way to get the crowd engaged - and it'll go OFF when you DO drop the routine.

    Track selection and flow are huge parts of DJ'ing - dropping routine after routine is just boring.
    Haha I have that tendency, but what your saying is to KILL IT for like 5 minutes then just chill for like thirty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maven View Post
    People 90% of the time want you to let the music play. They don't want to hear you do crazy beatmashing, filter sweeps, gaters all over. You might do something cool, but if they are not there for your controllerism routine, they just want you to make them dance.
    haha I see what your saying.

    Now to all of you. When I am performing and going ham for like 5 minutes what can i do to make that little routine more interesting?
    Last edited by Zer0beet; 07-22-2012 at 05:58 PM. Reason: acidentally tapped the post button

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