Few Suggestions for Live Streaming
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Few Suggestions for Live Streaming

    Hey everyone, had the pleasure of checking out one of the live streams yesterday and it was a blast. Heard a lot of neat transitions and great songs. Not to mention actually being able to interact with the guy mixing is fun too... its like a really good version of Pandora ha ha.

    That being said, I feel like it could definitely become a much more improved thing. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. If it's going to be a regular thing, you guys should ater the site in accordance. Maybe place a widget on your homepage which informs visitors when you guys are "LIVE" and allow clicking this link to send you straight to the Ustream link.
    2. In a day and age when you can go to an EDM festival and find out a setlist minutes after the set ends it's kind of unacceptable for DJ's on a site dedicated to helping not share their set list at the end of the set. You hear a great tune currently and you're stuck twiddling your thumbs or shazaming and praying to god its music db doesn't suck. Great way to do this, clear the traktor history before hand and then just post a screenshot of the traktor history after the set is done. Tada.
    3. A bit more interaction in the chat room would be great. Would help a lot in making the DJ feel the crowd as well as the crowd actually feel like they're involved with the music. Real DJs react to the crowd and know when to kill a song that has gone over poorly. That's impossible right now. This is among the more superficial updates but maybe have an intern on the chatroom 24/7 during streaming?
    4. DJs should have bio information in the UStream so we can follow them on twitter or follow them on facebook. You guys can gain some new fans and we can possibly learn some more from you and follow you if we enjoy your mixing enough. Including the hardware used during the set by each dj would be great (mappings included). I mean the site is called DJtechtools… lets hear about those tools!
    5. Finally, because I like free stuff. Give incentives for large parties to listen… possibly drawings for some random gear. Doesn't have to be a MF3D, I know people would line up for a shot at a free korg nano.

    Hopefully this constructive criticism helps you guys out. Great site and I enjoy visiting it daily, have learned plenty and look forward to learning more.


  2. #2


    where were u listening to the live stream, as there are few sites about that offer some of these features and some dont some are nice to use some arent..
    http://www.soundcloud.com/durtyjerzy609 Numark TTX1's, Rane TTM57SL, SSL, Novation Dicers, Abelton Live 8, Akai APC 20, Akai MPD18, Alesis M1 520's
    I'm all that and then some, tall dark and handsome

  3. #3
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Sherman, TX


    If you follow DJ Tech Tools on facebook they post when they're going live. https://www.facebook.com/djtechtools
    Chris Jennings FHP

    Podcast - Soundcloud - Mixcloud - Beatport Charts - x

  4. #4
    DJTT Super Moderator midifidler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    San Francisco


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts -we just want to make sure we can make this a regular thing before we commit to real integration with the website, Dan did have a very productive meeting with the U-Stream team on Wednesday so watch this space!

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