A few minor tips.
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  1. #1
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg

    Default A few minor tips.

    A few minor tips for making this great mapping site better:

    1) The replies on comments sort in a confusing way, latest on top. This way any discussion gets odd.
    2) I get emails when somebody reviews my mapping. The senders name is "From@example.com" ???
    3) More room for (bigger) pics please!
    4) Sometimes someone starts a new mapping, but he/she never uploads any file or does anything with the page. The mapping index is getting a mess now with various empty and useless mappings that people can't even download.
    5) Display the number of downloads and views please! I know it's on your to-do list but I think you're helping the whole community. It should be a lot better than with the like function alone. Not everyone rates a downloaded mapping, so 2 likes for a mapping can also mean 40 downloads. And if only one person dislikes a recent mapping it gets very dis-encouraging for the owner or visitors, although the mapping could be awesome. So please, get it done!

    Last edited by beaubryte; 06-10-2012 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #2
    DJTT San Fran HQ Admin
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I agree with all of your requests and I'll get it done!

  3. #3
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    Thanks in advance! You're great!

    Edit: I woke up this morning seeing you already did 1) + 2) + 4) !!! Major thanks man! That's a great start for the weekend!
    Last edited by beaubryte; 06-15-2012 at 12:52 AM. Reason: John did some good work

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Psycho
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Netherlands, Tilburg


    2 small things I also would like to see:

    -When I'm logged in, the red Delete Mapping button is very prominent. We all need that button just once, so why has it got to be the center piece of the page? The delete function is already in the details menu, pretty convenient already.

    -Some alignment in the About section on the right and also of course on the comment boxes would be great! It will make the page look much better. I really miss a </br> function so I can put enters in my text..


  5. #5
    Tech Guru
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Don't know where to put this as I can't make a new topic but when I try I can't click on anything without being taken to a Youtube vid about the new Pio controller!

    Also, while I'm here, I think the pages could have more posts before a new page is needed.

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