Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 36
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  1. #351
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by BradCee View Post
    so when in normal play mode mod=0?

    how are you mapping these? is it with using the out functions for play, cue etc...?

    as a work-around with leds for displaying layers/button modes it's easier mapping the mod condition, so in your case that all the buttons turn red in cue mode, e.g when mod1=1 by just setting a modifier output on all the buttons

    on the normal play layer do this for the mod1=0 condition. for the play button you can add the additional condition that play=yes (or however it is worded)

    so lights on if mod1=0 and playing
    and lights off if mod1=0 and not playing or mod1=1 and either playing/stopped

    on the sync button however, i don't think a sync condition exists, but you could use an additional mod2 for this toggling between 1 and 0 based on condition mod1=0 on the first modifier

    so lights on if mod1=0 and mod2=1
    and off if mod1=0 and mod2=0 or mod1=1 and mod=1 or 2

    assuming you have enough mods left, as you'd then need mods 3 and 4 for deck b to do the same
    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Did you specify correct modifier conditions to both layer LED's outputs? In hotcue layer M=0 and other layer M=1. I assume you use toggle modifier?
    Thanks to BradCee and Stewe!
    I had already given a thought the workaround through modifiers, but hoped to find an easier solution.
    Nevertheless, I just spent about 6 hours mapping the sh** out of my K2 and finally: it works!

    @BradCee: It might interest you, that you only need one modifier to control for both decks A and B.
    Example (Sync button):
    mod=0 -> sync neither A nor B
    mod=1 -> sync button A
    mod=2 -> sync button B
    mod=3 -> sync button A and B
    enable sync A (if mod=0) -> mod=1
    enable sync B (if mod=0) -> mod=2	
    enable sync A (if mod=2) -> mod=3
    enable sync B (if mod=1) -> mod=3
    disable sync A (if mod=1) -> mod=0
    disable sync A (if mod=3) -> mod=2
    disable sync B (if mod=2) -> mod=0
    disable sync B (if mod=3) -> mod=1
    One more question for the experts: what's your experience with the "blend" option in traktor. Is it really as arbitrary, as it seems? I ran into a few problems with the LED feedback; sometimes enabling the "blend" option solved the problem, sometimes it didn't, although the command structure was exactly the same?! Weird..


  2. #352
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    The Blend option tells Traktor to also send out values between the Min and Max. If unchecked, Traktor sends out the Max value whenever the value is larger than the Min value.

  3. #353
    Tech Guru BradCee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edeoldi View Post
    @BradCee: It might interest you, that you only need one modifier to control for both decks A and B.
    Example (Sync button):
    mod=0 -> sync neither A nor B
    mod=1 -> sync button A
    mod=2 -> sync button B
    mod=3 -> sync button A and B
    enable sync A (if mod=0) -> mod=1
    enable sync B (if mod=0) -> mod=2	
    enable sync A (if mod=2) -> mod=3
    enable sync B (if mod=1) -> mod=3
    disable sync A (if mod=1) -> mod=0
    disable sync A (if mod=3) -> mod=2
    disable sync B (if mod=2) -> mod=0
    disable sync B (if mod=3) -> mod=1
    that actually didn't come to mind tbh.. hmmm... nice work

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    The Blend option tells Traktor to also send out values between the Min and Max. If unchecked, Traktor sends out the Max value whenever the value is larger than the Min value.
    yeah, that, best used for things like vu meters, or anything where you want a different intensity of light. tbh i can't think of many useful examples. did once use it with a crossfader for no good reason, lol

    Win 7 / 2x Reloop Contour / Numark M6 /Traktor Pro 2.5

  4. #354
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    Default AKAI APC20 + Traktor Pro 2

    Hi, this is my first post on this forum and I hope I will get some kind of respond.

    Today I got my first piece of kit (after using pirated Traktor Pro with nothing more then a keyboard and a mouse for about a year, don't come from a very rich family actually). I'm an author of a mapping for keyboard that was featured in this article on djtechtools (really proud of that, I have over 3000 downloads on TraktorBible).

    So, today I got my AKAI APC20, beautiful piece of equipment. I've spend a lot of hours thinking what I should buy (Kontrol X1, AKAI APC20 and Mixtrack Pro were the controlers I considered for my really low price range).

    Of course, I imediately wanted to custom map it and use it with Traktor Pro 2.

    Now, I have a few questions:

    1. How to create a some kind of super fader?
    All of my faders are currently set to the middle. Basicly, what I want to do, is lower the frequencies when I lower the fader, and, when I increase the frequencies back to the original state and put the faders back in the middle, if I decide to go up with faders, I don't want to increase the frequencies above 0. I want to control the effects instead. Now, I don't know is this possible and how to do it. I have a basic knowledge about mappings, but this is more of an advanced feature.

    2. A lot of problems with the LEDs.
    a) I mapped master tempo to the button, but I don't know how to map the LED so it turns on when the master tempo is on, and turns of when I turn off the master tempo.
    b) I watched a tutorial about mapping the LEDs to hotcues, but, I ran into a problem. I mapped the Hotcue states to eight different buttons, so I'm guessing they should turn on if there is that cue point in the loaded track, but they don't, and, even if they do, they turn off after I trigger them. I don't want that. I want them to stay on even if I press them (if there is a hotcue on that place of course). Same problem with sample decks. I want LEDs on if there is a sample in that sample slot.
    c) Problem with colors - don't know how to set a controller range and a MIDI range so they change a color to... Let's say red for an example.
    d) I want some LEDs to be on all of the time, no matter if I press that buttons or not, but, don't know how to do it.

    That's about it. I'm hoping I'll get some kind of help so I can solve at least one of my five problems.

    And sorry if my english is bad, it's not my primary language.

  5. #355
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    @Eric Zone - Have you added LED outputs for all those commands?

  6. #356
    Tech Convert
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    hi having a problem mapping my mixdeck quad to traktor pro 2???

  7. #357
    Tech Guru BradCee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salsero316 View Post
    hi having a problem mapping my mixdeck quad to traktor pro 2???
    in what way?

    Win 7 / 2x Reloop Contour / Numark M6 /Traktor Pro 2.5

  8. #358
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    connecting and having it play out...

  9. #359
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    dont have much time to program all the buttuns...what should i do??

  10. #360
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salsero316 View Post
    dont have much time to program all the buttuns...what should i do??
    You should look for mapping...

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