Only noticed it happening once in a very very blue moon when I was using the VCI-100SE to control Traktor Pro 2.5 directly. Have gone back to using timecode to control the decks but am still using the internal mixer. Problem is that the hardware faders don't follow the software ones all the time. They seem fine during soundchecks but during worktime, sometimes the software ones don't respond as they should during quick chops / transforms and stays at the bottom end, ie. no sound. Gets embarrassing during peak hours when everyone's high and moving.
Have played around with different rotary sensitivity and acceleration settings but it still happens. Was wondering whether the 1.4 firmware upgrade will help.
On a different note, my Traktor starts up with Effect 1 (on the top left) on. Can't seem to find anything in the mapping to cause this. What do I need to do to have it off by default?