I have this issue and i didn't notice that anyone had this problem too:
Clock Frequency (External) = 24.0000MHz, Clock Mode = 0, CKM = 1, and CKP = N/A
Connecting to device 'H8/3052F' on 'COM2'
'BOOT Mode' connection - using emulated interface
Opening port 'COM2' ...
Loading Comms DLL
Loaded Comms DLL
Initiating BOOT SCI sequence
Attempting 9600
Received immediate response from device: 0xAA
Using micro-Kernel : 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas\FDT4.03\kernels\ProtB\3052\Renesas\1 _2_00\uGen3052.cde'
Downloading and verifying micro kernel...
Error No 15009: Failed to download the micro-Kernel
Error No 15019: Download() failed