I have been looking to upgrade from my S2 and I think I may have found my next controller.
I just found this article on Digital DJ Tips.
I have been looking to upgrade from my S2 and I think I may have found my next controller.
I just found this article on Digital DJ Tips.
FX knobs don't seem optimal for Traktor.
VCM100 / X1 / DJM250 / DJM900 / CDJ2000s / Maschine / Audio2+4 / 2i4 / HS8s / TSP 2.6.8
Macbook Air i7-3667U+8GB 10.9 / Win7x64 i5-3570k+24GB
I do not really use FX so that would not be an issue for me.
doubtful the jogs are supported via HID so IMO looks nice but not better than the EGE
pure wild speculation but imagine that the jogs did somehow get supported by NI, switch that encoder to a knob, get freeze mode going on the pads and it would blow away the DDJSX/VCI380
Might be possible, since the Numark 4Trak (aka NS6) seemed to get decent jog wheel integration.
VCM100 / X1 / DJM250 / DJM900 / CDJ2000s / Maschine / Audio2+4 / 2i4 / HS8s / TSP 2.6.8
Macbook Air i7-3667U+8GB 10.9 / Win7x64 i5-3570k+24GB
Deal breaker for me:
- No booth out
- No standalone mixer