I love your first setup with the Xone mixer....really like the looks of this beast....
I love your first setup with the Xone mixer....really like the looks of this beast....
The 92 is beautiful! Can you give some more information on the phrasing system? It sounds really interesting.
Great set up! I don't use vinyl, but I really like the Louis Vuitton - based design on one of the pictures ( brown monogram ). What company is that?
Thanks NitroTix. The slipmats are from a company called SicWax. They have a whole variety of crazy designed slipmats. It's Louie Vuitton on one side, and Chanel on the other. I have more slipmats from them, one of my favorites is the Koi Fish design. It doesn't make too much sense to invest in more slipmats because I rock Serato 99% of the time I am spinning. I do have a crazy collection of Serato Colored Vinyl...
Dope. Rotary Love.
Thanks HigherFi. It's easier to feel mixes with rotaries, at least in my honest opinion.
I've just added CDJ2000s with Spacetek Stands. So far so fun!
I've added additional pictures, as well as editing some out. The original post looks a lot cleaner now.
Jesus christ OP, that is a beautiful damn setup, I'm legit jealous.
Wana trade my STR8-80's for your 1200's? please?