help with a decent id3 tag re-writer - Page 2
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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by robdquick View Post
    I'm actually really surprised that someone hasn't already developed something like this. With Shazam being able to listen to songs and tell you exactly what they are, and then an mp3tag type program to write the tags.
    why cant someone come up with a program that reads the filename and derives most of the tag info based on that, and then give you the ability to edit if needed, but do it in bulk like how ssl analyzes crates in bulk? Numark TTX1's, Rane TTM57SL, SSL, Novation Dicers, Abelton Live 8, Akai APC 20, Akai MPD18, Alesis M1 520's
    I'm all that and then some, tall dark and handsome

  2. #12
    Tech Guru Patch's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Bristol, UK


    You're talking about MP3Tag, mate. It can do all of that.
    DJ'ing: 2x1200MK2, DJM 850, Dicers, F1, Zomo MC-1000, Sony MDR-v700, i7 Win 10 HP Envy
    Production: Ableton Live 8 and a mouse, Sennheiser HD400, Sony VAIO

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  3. #13


    Just like everyone else has said, MP3Tag will do this. Mediamonkey can also derive tags from the filenames.

    But.... I think there is another lesson buried in this issue you hit. Where are your backups? For something as important as your music collection, you should ALWAYS have three copies. The original copy, an off machine copy and an offsite copy. This will cover you no matter what happens whether it be: a drive failure, theft, fire, or even some stupid application that jacks up your tags. Drives are cheap so buy a couple 3TB externals. Keep one at a friend's house. Then run a full backup every two weeks and swap drives with the one at your friends house every month. This way if you hit a common problem (drive failure or some application messes up your tags), you are only out of two week's work max. If a less common problem occurs (theft, fire, etc), then you are only out a month's worth of work max. Stuff like this happens, it's best to be prepared.

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