Hi guys so i recently purchased a Traktor A6 soundcard and my current set-up is 2 CDJ-1000 MK3's and a DJM 600. I am looking to record my mixes through Traktor with the soundcard but i also want to continue using my cd's instead of using the control discs as the discs aren't nice to use in my opinion. I have the phono lines set in the soundcards manager and i also enable direct tru , Traktor is also detecting the sound in the recording section and that's all perfect but when i go to play a track the sound that comes out of the speakers is extremely bad. It's all static and you cannot listen to it it also runs the speakers extremely hard (redlining on the eqs with very low gain) . Can anybody help me with this i am dying to get some new mixes recorded.
Any help would be greatly appreciated