Buy S4 now or wait (& pay reg price)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Buy S4 now or wait (& pay reg price)

    Getting back into DJing after being years off from vinyl. Looking into a controller so I can focus on mixing rather than the scratching I used to do. Need an all-in-one due to space issues and just for home use.

    I am strongly interested in the S4 since I want to use Traktor. Should I buy now with the $599 price drop? Is this a good price?

    I'm worried I will kick myself IF a new one comes out but I'm not sure if I can push myself to pay $899 reg price.

    I also have an Ecler Hak 380 that I may sell and use those for studio monitors (krk rockit 5s or 6). I need speakers. That's only if I can sell the mixer. I have TMA-1s that I can use for the time being or just buy cheap computer speakers.

    Any input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Tech Convert
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    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by turnstylez18 View Post
    Getting back into DJing after being years off from vinyl. Looking into a controller so I can focus on mixing rather than the scratching I used to do. Need an all-in-one due to space issues and just for home use.

    I am strongly interested in the S4 since I want to use Traktor. Should I buy now with the $599 price drop? Is this a good price?

    I'm worried I will kick myself IF a new one comes out but I'm not sure if I can push myself to pay $899 reg price.

    I also have an Ecler Hak 380 that I may sell and use those for studio monitors (krk rockit 5s or 6). I need speakers. That's only if I can sell the mixer. I have TMA-1s that I can use for the time being or just buy cheap computer speakers.

    Any input is appreciated.
    It really depends on what you are looking for, honestly with technology, were always suffering from buying something and then something new comes out. to be more specific to the NI - the Maschine and Maschine MK2 is an example. I suggest you see what you are looking for in the current Traktor S4, (some people stuck with their first Maschine because the upgrade didn't mean much to them). I got my Traktor S4 at the dropped price, and consider it a good deal. I don't think the new Traktor S4 will revolutionize the work flow in a grand way (well i hope not lol) but considering the current options and prices of controllers. I'd say the current S4 is great all around controller and is a decent price compared to alternatives with the same features.

    A couple of articles to look into about the subject:

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
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    So I will throw in my 2 cents considering I was in the same exact position you are in now. I used to scratch DJ a lot back in the day and then recently just got back interested in mixing and creating sets. I had to decide between time code or a controller and I picked the controller based on the fact that they are a lot more felxible for controlling different effects and transport controls than a turntable and without having to buy a $900 mixer. So I bought a mixtrack pro. It really helped me to understand that I really wanted to get into this. I then quickly sold it and bought an S4 once the price drop happened. I can tell you from experience that I should have just bought it to begin with. I also think its an incredible deal given that you are getting a high end controller with an excellent sound card for only 6 chips. I thought about "what if NI comes out with a new S4 soon..." but honestly I cant see it doing too much more than the S4 already does, and to be honest this is more than enough to fit my needs as a DJ given that even big name professionals use it.

  4. #4
    Tech Guru antifmradio's Avatar
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    honeslty i would wait til to holidays
    i should have but i got mine early and almost a week later it went on sale hahaha

    hold out man. you can still get it

  5. #5


    Wait for BPM. Looking at their schedule for the event and traktor has their own set time in the even where they are 'revealing a product that will change traktor'. I can almost guarantee its the new S4.

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