Pixel Jockey
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Thread: Pixel Jockey

  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Jan 2013

    Default Pixel Jockey

    Those of you familiar with the term know what Im talking about.
    Often times referred to as vj'ing
    I find that there are SOOOO many DJ's out there (good and god awful) that there certainly is not a fair amount of space for the overcrowded market of DJ's. So I have ventured off into the underrated, and under appreciated art of mixing graphics behind the music. From researching in the past few months these are the key things I have settled on:

    1. Livid Instruments Cell DNA- It has a beautiful GUI that reminds me of a launchpad-esqu setup. Has crossfader for A/B mixing and the built in effects are AMAZING. It'll be hard to turn me away from starting on this software for the price, features, and support (even tho I have heard the program can be buggy)

    2. Livid Instruments OHM slim- it integrates into Cell DNA perfectly as it is built for it (along with other open source programs like Ableton, etc.) Not to mention its well built, classy looking, and not bad on price

    3. Projector & Screen- Have not really searched into this much as this costs a decent chunk of money but I figured higher end clubs and festivals will have projectors or monitors available.

    4. Material- I have used Vimeo a lot recently and other "VJ loops packages" websites. I am not a graphic artist in anyway...I went to college for construction management....no I do not a have a full understanding of after effects and such but I am LEARNING because eventually if I become above amatuer I would of course want to have my own authentic content for artists.. For now I will stick to free or commercial clips to practice...ya gotta start somewhere right?

    I want to know what everyone has to say and think about this under dog skill set that takes place at festivals and clubs globally and what they have to say about my short term philosophy.

    NI traktor s4 / MF Classic / NI Maschine MK2 / Focusrite Scarlett / Novation Mininova / Novation Impulse 49 / Roland VT-3 / Akai xr-20

  2. #2
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    From Ireland Living in Manila: Philippines :D


    I want to know what everyone has to say and think about this under dog skill set that takes place at festivals and clubs globally and what they have to say about my short term philosophy.
    Been there and done it, got kinda boring due to 95% of the gigs being corporate e.g. Award Ceremonies, High end Weddings etc at which the majority of content was pre-provided and my gear was used as not much more than a glorified video player.

    Your choice of software is solid and I never needed to bring my own projection gear (however did need to hire occasionally on the planners/promoters dime).

    Content is key though and Its well worth learning a few basic 3d apps for customized spinny text fly in thingies (promoters still find that impressive). Also don't overlook the power of basic non-moving images espessially when combined as transparent masks along with effects you can do some pretty trippy shizzle with just static pictures.

    Try to actively promote yourself (or subcontract) to the larger A/V hire companies as they will most likely be providing the gear at the larger events.

    Also get a DV cam and decent tripod for live video feeds into the software and consider getting a wireless transmission rig later on so you can throw up some cams around the performance areas. PTZ cameras can be had pretty cheap these days and you can control them via remote for 360º views of the stage areas / crowd which can be broadcast to the screens as well - can look very cool.
    Last edited by deevey; 05-23-2014 at 01:21 AM.

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2013


    Have you thought of going analogue some of the best visual shows I have seen have been based on slide projectors and lights. We use to use them in smaller venues to great effect not sure what the markets like now for such equipment though. Look at what Pink Floyd and other psychedelic bands have pulled off.

    There use to be a guy (silent disco) that worked the out door parties in Australia who had a light show based on top of his van, old school effects like disco balls and oil light projectors can look amazing in the right location.

    My 2 cents

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2013


    Forgot to mention doing visuals you will be the first to set up and the last to leave it can be long hrs.

  5. #5
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    From Ireland Living in Manila: Philippines :D


    Quote Originally Posted by slinkydisc View Post
    Have you thought of going analogue some of the best visual shows I have seen have been based on slide projectors and lights.
    Far simpler (and cheaper) setup these days to run a loops or slides off a $50 media player and use small LED projectors for the same effect.

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