DAW Snobbery
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Thread: DAW Snobbery

  1. #1
    Dr. Bento BentoSan's Avatar
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    Default DAW Snobbery

    Rather than highjacking another thread here i thought i would start a new one where we can discuss DAW snobbery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lambox View Post
    Thank you for saying that. I use Fruity and a lot people will grumble when I tell them this. But I think I'm pretty good at using it. Why fumble around with something I hardly understand trying to get my ideas out when I can use what I know well to get it out quickly?
    Don't listen the haters, they dont have a qlue what they are talking about - DAW snobbery is lame. There are heaps of producers putting out absolutely cranking tunes using FL studio, Spor comes to mind here (one of the leading drum and bass producers) and he makes absolutely mental sounding tunes.

    I use FL studio and <3 it, especially since FL9 hit and the way the CPU is utilized is much better - i got a massive performance increase making the change over which has really helped my creativity, theres nothing worse than running out of CPU power in two seconds flat.

    Every DAW has its strong and weak points, its a matter of finding which points you cant live without - like i hate producing in Ableton because of the automation system totally sucks (when compared to FL studio anyway), but love using it live because because i don't need crazy amounts of automation as much. Its all different strokes for different folks !

  2. #2
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    You hate I love, just to add +1 to the story.

    Try loadsa demos, and see what fits your creative workflow best.That's how I ended up with Ableton.
    (To think when I first saw screenshots of Ableton, I could not believe that this, not spectacular looking, interface would/could be part of such a great DAW.)
    Last edited by tekki; 09-27-2009 at 04:27 AM.
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  3. #3
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    word. for the new guys, one thing to keep in mind is that some of the greatest modern recordings in the history of music we're created in analogue studios back in the 60s-70s that don't come anywhere near close to the power potential of modest softwares like Fruityloops, Orion and Reason.

    Having powerful engineering tools is only a small fraction of what it takes to be a great producer, what's more important is the musicianship imo. I find that quality songwriting is rare in todays music as the standards have plummeted significantly over the last 20 years. Too many new producers think the answer is getting tons of expensive gear, plugins, daw software etc. etc. and don't realize that all the gear in the world will never be enough if you couldn't create a decent song with cheap software and a budget computer.

    it's been said a million times. it's not about the tools you use but how you use them.
    Last edited by wrong chris; 09-27-2009 at 04:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor kelsey7k's Avatar
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    right on. im a reason user, which a lot of people hate on.

    they annoying part is, and i think this may be true for FL and reason, is that people are making judgements based on much earlier versions. the improvements that have been made in reason are pretty vast.
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  5. #5


    Spor uses FL!? that's fckn sick. he seriously does crank out some skull crushing stuff.

    people these days, not just with DAWs, but with everything - all they see is the price tag. if it doesn't cost, it's cheap, it sucks, POS, etc. if it's hella expensive, people say "oOoOo.. dude that shit is SOO good"

    you put a huge price tag on FL, people wil revere it more i promise you. not saying that is the remedy, it's just a sad part of society. but hell, for the FL masterminds this is awesome!
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    Quote Originally Posted by JesterNZDJ
    My solution: Pay some one to whack them so you don't have any competition

  6. #6
    Tech Guru jasonj's Avatar
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    I have noticed when editing ID3 tags that many artists use Fl as well. Like AC Slater, Rudder, Dope Tito etc....

    I myself have been using it for approx 10 years and love it.
    Although I am not one to knock on software package compared to another since I am also using (learning) Logic and the Mac platform.

    It really is not what you use though but how you use it!
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  7. #7
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    I can vouch for fruity I have a couple of releases on different labels with tracks done from scratch in FL, started using it around 2001 or 02 not sure.
    I Have been using Cubase since it's 1.03 version. But thru the years I've made myself learn a bit of everything so every now and then I commit myself to do a few tracks on the same daw from beginning to end... I can get along with Logic, Cubase, Nuendo, FL, Live, Reason and Orion ( haven't used it in a long time).

    Since I moved from the PC platform I lost touch with Acid/ Cakewalk whihc I've hear has developed into a really powerful Sonar ... Also unfortunately I refuse to have anything above XP and I will not buy or use a cracked copy so I sadly miss my fruity ... I think they could really grow they're market if it was ported to MAC OS..

    My theory to this is horse for courses, you can use which ever tool you prefer but there are daw which make your life easier for certain tasks ... example : If I'm remixing and using lots of samples/ Loops I prefer Live. If I was to record or use lots of sample snippets which needed intensive editing I would use either Logic or Cubase, etc...
    Personaly I hate having to mix on Live

    I believe you really should take your pick and stick with your choice until you miss something crucial ...

    A trend I've seen is that when ever somethin' new shows up it's always simpler and more intuitive than all the others, ...4 years after... is just as complex as all the others... In broad terms all DAWs are becoming slightly simpler to use, but some much more feat.s packed and so indepth that it's difficult to make the learning curve any faster. Also the amount of people approaching a daw with the faintest of an idea of what is a daw/ dynamics/ eq/ etc... is much bigger now so for developers it's like trying to build a space craft and having be able to be understood by chimps lol :P

    Personal Rant : I hate the One window concept ... make as many info as possible available on one window but not to much.. I can do with a couple of editor windows... on some daws doing something means lots of mouse movements and a lot of zooming in and out ...

  8. #8
    Tech Guru LanceBlaise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BentoSan View Post
    Rather than highjacking another thread here i thought i would start a new one where we can discuss DAW snobbery.

    Don't listen the haters, they dont have a qlue what they are talking about - DAW snobbery is lame. There are heaps of producers putting out absolutely cranking tunes using FL studio, Spor comes to mind here (one of the leading drum and bass producers) and he makes absolutely mental sounding tunes.

    I use FL studio and <3 it, especially since FL9 hit and the way the CPU is utilized is much better - i got a massive performance increase making the change over which has really helped my creativity, theres nothing worse than running out of CPU power in two seconds flat.

    Every DAW has its strong and weak points, its a matter of finding which points you cant live without - like i hate producing in Ableton because of the automation system totally sucks (when compared to FL studio anyway), but love using it live because because i don't need crazy amounts of automation as much. Its all different strokes for different folks !
    It doesn't matter how you make a track, all that really matters is the final product...

  9. #9
    Tech Guru Ciar2001's Avatar
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    I have a question which is along a similar line, I have no intention of building a studio or doing an engineers course, but if you were to reccomend a software which a complete begginer could use and build tracks with, and potentially learn along the way which would it be? I have the demo of FL9 on my PC at the moment and it's interesting i can put together basic beats but not much else...

  10. #10
    Tech Guru jasonj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciar2001 View Post
    I have a question which is along a similar line, I have no intention of building a studio or doing an engineers course, but if you were to reccomend a software which a complete begginer could use and build tracks with, and potentially learn along the way which would it be? I have the demo of FL9 on my PC at the moment and it's interesting i can put together basic beats but not much else...
    If you have the demo of FL9 on your PC already I would stick with it.

    http://www.warbeats.com has a load of videos tutorials on that software suite.

    I also think (IMO) despite the hate on FL during previous years. It is one of the most powerful and easier to use DAW's out there. I've been using it since version 2.
    I also bounce from Logic, Live, Acid and Cubase. I start everything in FL.
    MacBook Pro 2.53ghz . iMac 2.6ghrz . Compaq 2.4ghrz . Berhinger A5OD Reference Amp . Berhinger Ultra Graph Pro . Behringer Truth B1030A Monitors . Stanton FS Open . Native Instruments Maschine . Numark Mixdeck . TraktorLE . Vestax VCI-100 . Behringer UMX-25 . M-Audio Trigger Finger . . Ableton Live 8 . Reason 5 . Logic 9 Express .

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