HOW-TO: Mapping Traktor Key Knob For Teeko-like Performance
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Default HOW-TO: Mapping Traktor Key Knob For Teeko-like Performance

    After reading a post here by Dayvue, I stated experimenting with midi mapping the Key knob to get Vestax Controller One style performance. After trying a bunch of different values, I figured out how to map a full octave up and down. Check the video below:

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
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    Baltimore MD


    Nice! I'm glad to see that people like the idea. I also made a mapping for this! Now the tricky thing is that the increment the knob needs to move to go up a half-step is .083. This is tricky because unless you know the note of the sound playing, you have no idea which steps to map ahead of time in order to play a certain scale. So if the starting note is a middle C, then two half steps up (.167 in Traktor) is D, 4 half steps up is E, but only 5 half steps up is F (because E# is F). This would change if the starting note were a different note, or if the song were in a different key.

    To overcome this limitation of not knowing what note any given cue point would have, I color-coded my mapping so that like colors are likely to sound good together. So as you see in the video, octaves up and down (+1 and -1 in Traktor midi mapping) are yellow. Major fifths are bright green, and 2 half steps/9 half steps away are bright red. This essentially makes it so that like colors are more likely to sounds good together. And as you can hear in the video, it tends to work out pretty well!

    Now since I only have 16 pads, but there are 24 half-steps in two octaves, I had to pick and choose which intervals to include. Because most music is minor and I like jazzy sounds, I mapped minor melodic scales. That was a design choice, but one can map any intervals one desires. Perhaps the most ideal way to do this would be with a small midi keyboard, just mapping two octaves of keys to the corresponding key in traktor. But then we would lose our pretty, colored buttons, and that just wouldn't be any fun.

  3. #3
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    I also figured this out a while back.
    Nice work doing a Push style layout of the "notes"!
    There was also a video that Shifty on plooping (as in pitching a loop).

  4. #4
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peedot View Post
    After reading a post here by Dayvue, I stated experimenting with midi mapping the Key knob to get Vestax Controller One style performance. After trying a bunch of different values, I figured out how to map a full octave up and down. Check the video below:

    Your thread title says "How To" but I don't really see anything that shows any mapping parameters required. Is your Quneo mapping available for download or could you please post all the button parameters for those interested?

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
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    Hi Steve,

    It's not up for download yet, once I take this exam on Monday then I'll finish up the mapping and post it!

    For the key-adjust on the Queneo, enter midi mapping and map the desired buttons to the Key Adjust command. The key knob value range is -1 to 1. Each half step is .083 up or down, so if your middle note is a C, then the key Adjust should be 0. A C# should be .083, and so forth. The B low to the C will be Key Adjust -.083

  6. #6
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dayvue View Post
    Hi Steve,

    It's not up for download yet, once I take this exam on Monday then I'll finish up the mapping and post it!
    Good luck today with your exam!

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