I've encountered a weird issue with Traktor and its audio settings.
I don't know what's up but there is something strange with the EQ settings and the BPM fader.
I'm going to use the song that has bugged me the most with this issue, which is Activation (Getter Remix) by Downlink.
The EQ settings are like so on the song (Keep in mind, I'm not using a live audio system):
Highs: 62%
Mids: 70%
Lows: 75%
At this setting, the song sounds just the way it does on the album, only a little bass boosted. However since the BPM is at 124 BPM, which is unpractical, I changed it to 128. But when I change the tempo even by a decimal of the original, it does't sound good anymore and it becomes harder to EQ it.
is the an audio file problem? An audio output problem or is it just normal with audio in Traktor?
Please help me! this is urgent and I would seriously like to fix this.
Much appreciated!