Traktor + Audio 10 + External Mixer + Internal Effects routing question
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard
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    Jul 2010

    Default Traktor + Audio 10 + External Mixer + Internal Effects routing question

    Hi folks,

    I'm thinking about taking the plunge from an S4 to a more modular NI-based DJ rig with an external analogue mixer paired with an Audio 10. I'd love to remain able to use Traktor's internal effects, but I've had a lot of trouble figuring out whether I'd be able to use them while still allowing me to output four decks. Unfortunately, Native Instruments haven't been too prompt in answering this question, and Google searches haven't been too illuminating.

    I've been basing a lot of my confusion from this article:

    Is it possible to set the "Output FX Return" and "Input FX Send" to the Main output and input, so that Deck D could be free to run a fourth deck, or is that forbidden by the software?

    I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!


  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
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    Jan 2013
    Stockport, UK


    effects and internal mixer still function when in external mode.

    if source is from a file played in a traktor deck , then you can do any traktor effect you want.

    then the audio goes to the audio 10, which each pair of phono connections will connect physically to the channel you want on the mixer. then you can mix on the mixer or in traktor.

    if you have an external source of audio, you can put that into the audio 10 input(s) and set the corresponding deck to live input, you then have traktors effects to use, and also will be able to externally mix in your mixer.
    Last edited by djrickdawson; 04-05-2015 at 07:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
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    Jul 2010


    Thanks, Rick! I appreciate the insight. While it's nice to know that the internal effects can still function as insert effects before the audio is output into the mixer, I am specifically interested in using them as send effects through the mixer itself. That's the workflow I'm going for, so if you happen to have any insight in this regard, I'd be very interested. Cheers!

  4. #4
    Tech Mentor
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    Stockport, UK


    just connect your external audio sources to the a10, with a10 outputting to the external mixer.

  5. #5
    Tech Wizard
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    Jul 2010


    Is it possible to set the "Output FX Return" and "Input FX Send" to the Main output and input, so that Deck D could be free to run a fourth deck, or is that forbidden by the software?
    in case anybody else ever needs to know the answer, Native Instruments finally got back to me. Yes, you can use the main outs and ins of the A10 to route Traktor effects out from and back into your mixer.

  6. #6
    Tech Guru SlayForMoney's Avatar
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    Mar 2012


    original post edited: sorry, didn't read your post properly
    Denon X600 - 2x Denon SC-2000 - AKG K181DJ - NI Audio 2

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by josephy View Post
    in case anybody else ever needs to know the answer, Native Instruments finally got back to me. Yes, you can use the main outs and ins of the A10 to route Traktor effects out from and back into your mixer.
    Thanks for this!

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