Hey guys. Need a little help with an Ableton Live setup for live performance.
I'm planning on buying an Akai APC40 mk2 for clip triggering. Might get a Push but I'm pretty set on an APC40.
What I want to be able to do is make loops on guitar, bass guitar, an electric drum kit and then trigger clips on the Akai and sing over the top. Ive taken a look at the looper function in Live but I can't figure out how to route the instruments to separate channels so I can record the loops and then play them back, record more loops with different effects and turn them on and off when I want using the Akai. Is there an easy way to move loops from the looper to the session view slots without having to manually drag the file from the looper.
The problem I'm not sure how to get around is arming the tracks to record and being able to record loops in different channels quickly. I still need to give the tracks themselves some thought as this may make it easier, but Ive seen people do something similar but really quickly and I can't find tutorials for several external inputs that are a combination of audio inputs and MIDI inputs.
Would using foot pedals for each instrument to trigger recording work?
Hope that all makes sense and I would appreciate any kind of help you guys can give me. If you have any questions about what I'm looking for then please ask. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts :)