help!! opening for an Indie-rock band don't want to loose my artistic integrity... - Page 2
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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidgallup View Post
    Couldnt disagree more with the post above, "artistic integrity" doesnt come whit a check.
    Integrity comes when you refuse to play something you dont feel right or you absolutely dislike just because "OMG IM GETTING A CHECK" THATS exactly the point where you lose your integrity and your soul, its what people in the music business know as a "sell out" just in for the money.
    History is full of "starving, misunderstood artists" and "corporate sellouts" and tons of people who are in between. Nonetheless, the OP is still a step or two away from being the DJ equivalent of a franchise fast food joint.

    DJs can be artists. DJs can provide a service. Both are viable routes to follow. Most people are somewhere between the extremes (except when posting on chat boards, of course). Successful DJs take the route of "running a small business" regardless of the content they choose to provide.

    I refuse to play all sorts of music because I find it offensive or objectionable. There is another huge pile of songs that are on "Do Not Play" lists because of the context of the venue and the event (e.g. gangsta rap at a wedding reception rarely fits the vibe).

    Thinking of "commercial pop remixes" as "overplayed" is one thing. Thinking of that music as "lose your integrity and your soul" is a bit over the top. Insulting the taste of your audience is rarely a successful business model.

    Quote Originally Posted by sidgallup View Post
    THats exactly the point of no return where you just want a check and you dont care if you have to dress kike a clown and play some charleston.
    Which is why I said this too:

    "...There is nothing wrong with creating a fun atmosphere, or with playing music that speaks to you. In two hours, you have time for 40-ish tracks....more if you mix a lot, less if you let songs play out. In either case, this event is not about 10 songs and it's not about 100 songs.

    If you are unable to find 40 songs that fit your style AND are well known enough to be recognized and liked by the audience, then your "artistic integrity" is far too narrowly focused..."

    How far into your underground sub-sub-sub-genre do you have to get before you can not find 40-ish songs that you like AND are relatable for a "general" audience....???
    Denon X1600, NI X1 Mk1 & Mk2, MF Twister
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  2. #12
    Tech Wizard Seth Hollender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soundinmotiondj View Post

    If you are unable to find 40 songs that fit your style AND are well known enough to be recognized and liked by the audience, then your "artistic integrity" is far too narrowly focused..."

    How far into your underground sub-sub-sub-genre do you have to get before you can not find 40-ish songs that you like AND are relatable for a "general" audience....???
    Would you say that a rock band's artistic integrity is far too narrowly focused if they didn't want to play hip-hop songs to open for a hip-hop act? There is nothing wrong with a DJ wanting to play music that fits their typical style range. There is also nothing wrong with a DJ who typically plays for a more "general" audience doing that as well. I see "general" audience DJ's and genre or style specific DJ's as different types of artists. Both take talent but they are different roles.

    In response to the OP I would say play what you want. You're the DJ and you have your own unique style. If the crowd likes it then great. If the crowd hates it well then it wasn't the right venue/show for your style. It's not like you begged to get the spot, you were asked to take it.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seth Hollender View Post
    Would you say that a rock band's artistic integrity is far too narrowly focused if they didn't want to play hip-hop songs to open for a hip-hop act?
    Bands are, by their very nature, less flexible than a DJ in terms of the range of songs they can play. I would say that a band has no way to change up the mood or tempo within their existing set is too narrowly focused. I would say that a band that has 20 songs rehearsed for a 20 song set is too narrowly focused.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seth Hollender View Post
    There is nothing wrong with a DJ wanting to play music that fits their typical style range. There is also nothing wrong with a DJ who typically plays for a more "general" audience doing that as well. I see "general" audience DJ's and genre or style specific DJ's as different types of artists. Both take talent but they are different roles.
    I agree.

    The key idea here is "typical style range." Yes, DJs can focus on different kinds of things. I prefer DJs who have a clear point of view on the music they are playing. My contention is the OPs language that implies something "wrong" or "lesser" about the general audience DJ who plays "commercial pop remixes" as a service.

    The skills and artistry of the DJ is (or should be) clearly evident independent of the songs. It's not WHAT you play that makes you unique (at least not in an era of smartphones and Shazam), it's HOW you play it. The OP has a fairly unique workflow and tools to embellish the basic tracks. That is where the artistry lives, IMO.
    Denon X1600, NI X1 Mk1 & Mk2, MF Twister
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