Arrange Faster - Start Studying Tracks of Your Favorite Producers
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert
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    Jun 2016

    Default Arrange Faster - Start Studying Tracks of Your Favorite Producers

    Big fan of Sam Paganini's work so I did a near bar for bar analysis of his recent tune called "Mercury."

    If you know his work, his recent material seems simpler and more raw, but when I listened deeper I released it's more complex than I thought.

    Sam breaks away from traditional 8 bar patterns which are so common in dance, and does it so well you'd never know unless you listen super close.

    I took a lot of notes and made an Ableton file with dummy/silent clips to give a visual of what all the tracks might look like.

    I've found that arrangement is a skill just like mixing and it needs it's own focused attention. Learning from others is a great way to get the basics down so finishing your music isn't a struggle and gets faster and more fun.

    Here's the article

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor Chael's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Manchester UK


    cool article, I learnt a hell of a lot from deconstructing various tracks I like. Its easy enough to make a great 8 or 16 bar loop but a lot of people hit a brick wall after that and end up giving up on a potentially great idea and resiging it to the unfinished graveyard folder

  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Chael View Post
    cool article, I learnt a hell of a lot from deconstructing various tracks I like. Its easy enough to make a great 8 or 16 bar loop but a lot of people hit a brick wall after that and end up giving up on a potentially great idea and resiging it to the unfinished graveyard folder
    thanks. I didn't discover doing this until after my first several releases.

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by ericlouis View Post
    Some very nice tips in there! Thank you for writing!

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