What do you think about Gemini MDJ-1000? - Page 13
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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjBlend View Post
    That was well said. I feel your frustration, And maybe this is a part of a series of firmware updates to perfect the MDJs (not too many I hope). I also like these players and if they were working properly would worship them and the company that makes them, but now I'm on the fence. Not sure if they can perfect or even fix them to where I can use them like I want. My style of Djing I need the sync, and the Quantize for loops and rolls, and precise queuing so everything can stay on time, and if Gemini can't get that together, That's me a lot of Djs in the market that Gemini is gonna lose out on. So I'm hope Gemini can get it done in a timely matter so They can be a well respected company that put out deceit gear in the market.
    Then obviously that would be a longer-term goal for Gemini and more difficult than actually satisfying a DJ like me. Addressing slip, looping, and sync while neglecting the browser and other fundamental capabilities like Link wouldn't make much sense.... well, unless the goal was to attract newbs who will spend an hour or two with them and then never touch them again.

  2. #122
    Tech Guru deevey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeanSB View Post
    I've created an account just to post this, because I'm tired of seeing Gemini highlighting and promoting their so "amazing" products, telling all of us how amazing and super their product are, Gemini's posting this fake information on their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/GeminiSoundHQ and after logging on Facebook today I've saw this:

    So I've posted this in response to their stupid post:
    "some of our rigorous quality tests", LOL. are you kidding me? Look at how bad the MDJ-1000's are, don't tell us you've tested them before putting on the market, just tell us the truth: you have really bad engineers and the SDJ-4000 is born to follow the same lines as all of your modern products: the path to the junk."
    You don't get a programmer to test software.

  3. #123
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    Hello. Who all has the 6.3 Update on their MDJ 1000, and are you guys having problems turning off sync so you can beat match by ear? Every time I try to turn sync off and tried to play a song it comes back on and still getting that problem where when I hit master and the BPMs turn green then when I press to play a song start and then stop in a seconds WTF???

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjBlend View Post
    Hello. Who all has the 6.3 Update on their MDJ 1000, and are you guys having problems turning off sync so you can beat match by ear? Every time I try to turn sync off and tried to play a song it comes back on and still getting that problem where when I hit master and the BPMs turn green then when I press to play a song start and then stop in a seconds WTF???
    I kept quantize and beat grid off, and put BPM on manual. There are still some glitches as I said in a prior post (#113), but it is slightly improved from 6.2. I do not bother having sync on and have not tried it recently.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reticuli View Post
    I kept quantize and beat grid off, and put BPM on manual. There are still some glitches as I said in a prior post (#113), but it is slightly improved from 6.2. I do not bother having sync on and have not tried it recently.
    Yeah after doing those settings it still comes the blue/green on the BPMs on and jumps between the two players. I guess it a glich that needs to be fixed. We'll see what happens.

  6. #126
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    Default pls help...about to have a mental breakdown...

    Hi Chaps,

    I recently purchased two MDJ1000 players, only to realise after purchasing there was a myriad of complaints on the web

    I have now experienced many of the issues others are speaking of myself, even after updating the firm ware to v6.3 *sigh*

    Issues are as follows:

    1. skipping/glitches at the start of a track i.e. playing from cue

    This one is strange because it appears to be occurring mostly on one particular player and only on certain tracks while other tracks play out fine.

    2. complete crashes where it will stop reading thumb drive (again, mostly occurring on one particular player)

    3. USB link loss from other player i.e. player that does not have thumb drive plugged in

    4. slow waveform loading from tracks on thumb drive

    My question is this...

    1. Do I immediately ask the store for a refund or replacement?


    2. Is there a solution for the above issues? Am I the only one experiencing them?

    Like many people, I purchased the units in the hope they were a budget but workable media player. I wasn't expecting Pioneer quality (aware Pioneer is the industry standard) but I was at least expecting I could mix continuously without interruptions i.e. for the stated purpose of the player.

    If anyone reads this/can help that would be hugely appreciated!

  7. #127
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    Default Refund ASAP

    Quote Originally Posted by ENLEE View Post
    My question is this...

    1. Do I immediately ask the store for a refund or replacement?


    2. Is there a solution for the above issues? Am I the only one experiencing them?
    Hey there ENLEE, welcome to the "Gemini Fooled" boat.

    Well as you can see in this thread (and in many others) and if you red it from the begging, a lot of things happened, both on client and Gemini sides, but the fact that those crap players can't even play a track continuously is still there even after so many updates. We fell like Gemini can't do anything about that. So I would really suggest you a full refund ASAP, don't wait hoping updates or fixings, you'll lose your time and your money.

    If you have a $1k budget, I would suggest you saving a little bit more and buying a pair of CDJ-850 or 900 from Pioneer, they have cheaper players too like the CDJ-350.
    Last edited by JeanSB; 03-13-2017 at 07:02 PM.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by deevey View Post
    You don't get a programmer to test software.
    What do you mean?

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENLEE View Post
    Hi Chaps,

    I recently purchased two MDJ1000 players, only to realise after purchasing there was a myriad of complaints on the web

    I have now experienced many of the issues others are speaking of myself, even after updating the firm ware to v6.3 *sigh*

    Issues are as follows:

    1. skipping/glitches at the start of a track i.e. playing from cue

    This one is strange because it appears to be occurring mostly on one particular player and only on certain tracks while other tracks play out fine.

    2. complete crashes where it will stop reading thumb drive (again, mostly occurring on one particular player)

    3. USB link loss from other player i.e. player that does not have thumb drive plugged in

    4. slow waveform loading from tracks on thumb drive

    My question is this...

    1. Do I immediately ask the store for a refund or replacement?


    2. Is there a solution for the above issues? Am I the only one experiencing them?

    Like many people, I purchased the units in the hope they were a budget but workable media player. I wasn't expecting Pioneer quality (aware Pioneer is the industry standard) but I was at least expecting I could mix continuously without interruptions i.e. for the stated purpose of the player.

    If anyone reads this/can help that would be hugely appreciated!
    Is my post #113 pretty consistent with what you're experiencing? Do my user suggestions mitigate some of these issues slightly?

    I can't say whether these issues will be resolved any time soon. I have no idea.

    It would not be prudent in light of the current issues, however, to keep them past the return window. That does not mean I am recommending Pioneer and Denon, though, as there are much cheaper options to those that do the basics at least as well for a far lower price and are not exhausting to use like the MDJ.

    If you've got access to a very el'cheapo controller, hide BPMs and waveforms in some DJ software, and then be patient for a few months. Quite a few new products are on the horizon from various companies, and who knows, Gemini might add a Passive Mode that deactivates analysis and drive writing, get rid of the split screen, and fix some of the easier bugs I've mentioned. If that happens, they'd essentially function as well as the Hanpins I love, and the "cake frosting" extra features could potentially be improved later.
    Last edited by Reticuli; 03-14-2017 at 02:12 PM.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by DjBlend View Post
    Yeah after doing those settings it still comes the blue/green on the BPMs on and jumps between the two players. I guess it a glich that needs to be fixed. We'll see what happens.
    I guess I still don't exactly understand the problem you're having. Sorry.

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