Imperial Maintenance Memo: Circle X’d AT-ATs
SUBJECT: Maintenance Operations on Heavy and Light Armored Vehicles
1. It has come to the commander’s attention that in the most recent maintenance 026 Report, the company’s complement of AT-AT and AT-ST Imperial Walkers were all listed as Fully Mission Capable (FMC). However, during my walk through inspection of the motorpool I noticed that there were multiple armored vehicles that would not pass inspection by even the blindest of Banthas. Specifically, Walker Numbers H101, H105, A202, B301, and D506. The 026 Report lists each of these as FMC. I would ask each of the platoon commanders how they can be combat effective when there are blast shields missing or loose, vision ports are cracked, main guns missing traverses, hydraulic lines severed, and walker feet with one (or more!!!) toes missing lug nuts.
2. I will use this opportunity to say again that the commander has reserved the right to circle x any deficiencies found due to the number of Walkers that were found to be Non Mission Capable (NMC) once we landed on Hoth and were attached to Blizzard Force. This caused the company to go into battle against enemy ground and air forces at 68% strength because platoon commanders neglected to:
- Perform before, during, and after preventative maintenance checks and services (PMCS)
- Request spare parts more than two weeks in advance to allow for travel time from the Fleet
- Include company maintenance personnel during PMCS; instead were heard calling them POGs, the irony of which has not escaped the commander and I since we actually came up through Stormtrooper Corps unlike you Raithal Academy Gungan-brains
- Be ACTUALLY PRESENT when PMCS was conducted and were instead seen trying to hitch rides on TIE fighters with Imperial Navy Pilots
3. Once again I will reiterate, you do not have the authority to circle x any faults found on your Walkers.
4. Because of the poor state of maintenance in this company, which caused us to fail the last Imperial Commanders Supply Discipline Program inspection, the commander is cancelling all leave and has ordered me to rectify the situation.
5. Motor Stables will now be held every morning at 0700 in the Walker Bays directly following physical training on the flight deck. Platoon Commanders and Enlisted Troopers E-6 and above are required to be present during these times and overseeing all PMCS. Maintenance personnel from Headquarters Section and from the Forward Support Troop will be on hand to answer any and all questions regarding the upkeep of your equipment. BII kits will be laid out every morning and a full inventory conducted. Drip pans and Walker blocks WILL be in place once PMCS is complete or all Troopers will be placed on lockdown to inventory blaster optics.
6. Additionally, IMP-LOG has issued add-on armor for the bottom of the AT-ATs in light of the recent loss of one of our platforms to lightsaber penetration from the bottom of the hull. While the G-2 rates these types of attacks as rare in occurrence, General Veers does not want to take any chances in the future.
7. As the battalion’s primary heavy armor company, we bear the responsibility for the lives of thousands of our fellow troopers. While our tactical training and gunnery marks are high (T on the Unit Status Report), we receive very low equipment ratings. This is unsatisfactory. The Emperor expects the best from his troopers, and we need to give him that. Lord Vader has paid personal visits to Navy flights that are not meeting their equipment readiness standards, with predictable results in upwards mobility for junior flight officers. I’m sure we don’t want to see anything like that in this unit.
8. The point of contact for this memorandum is the undersigned.
Executive Officer
“Excellence leads to not being force choked”

Attachment 1: Missing blast shields contributed to structural weakness, leading to the loss of this Walker (per Imperial Financial Liability Investigation for Property Loss, 0023) (Lucasfilm, Ltd)