Evrithing is in the tittle ... i do not know lot about mixing exected that i like techno, and wanted to play with ... I have to chose my firts setup for djing . and i don't know witch setup to go... so i ask for your advice
Initialy i wanted to buy a S8, but a friend told me that it have a lot of overlaying wich can be boring ... i advise me to take a x1+F1+z1 he said it is a more modular system ( that can be cheapper and funier to start with ) the thing with this setup is that i have control over 2 track & 2 remi deck or stems , but no volume fader and eq for the 2 remix deck ... do you think it is a big deal for begining ? i could start with this and maybe later buy a real 4 channel mixer ?
I also could buy the s8 and maybe if overlaying is boring buy a f1 after ?
i don't want to spend more than 700€ for a 2 hand product and if i can spend only 300€ it is good for me
So wich may you go ?